Saturday, 11 September 2021
Signing an agreement with the acceleration of the implementation of SP4N LAPOR in East Kalimantan Province
Wednesday, September 8, 2021. Along with the implementation of FGD information disclosure in East Kalimantan Province, a joint signing of the acceleration of the SP4N Action Plan for reporting in East Kalimantan Province is the management system of the National Service Complaints - People's Aspiration and Complaints Services that have been determined with the Decree of PANRB 680/2020 and its implementation synergizes with the Indonesian Ombudsman and the Staff Office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia.
In 2021, it has been determined that the recitation reporting system for the public nationally uses only one complaint channel through SP4N report that can be accessed through the website (, and mobile applications (Android and iOS). The SP4N secretariat reported in East Kalimantan Province in the East Kalimantan Province Communication and Information Office. The features available on the SP4N reporting service are anonymous; confidential; and tracking ID.
The signing of the joint acceleration of the SP4N LAPOR implementation in East Kalimantan Province was carried out jointly by the Head of the East Kalimantan Ombudsman Representative, the Regional Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province, the Head of the Provincial Communication and Information Agency, the Regional Inspector of the Prov. East Kalimantan, Head of the Regional Secretariat of the Regional Secretariat of the Regional Secretariat of the Regional Secretariat, Head of the Environment Agency Prov. East Kalimantan, Head of Disnakertrans Prov.Kaltim, Head of ESDM Prov. Kaltim, Head of Dikbud Prov. Kaltim, Head of Health Service Prov. Kaltim, Head of Social Service Prov.Kaltim, and Head of DPMPTSP Prov.Kaltim.
SP4N Motto report "Dare to report! For better public services "