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The Importance of UKM Technology Innovation

Balikpapan, Thursday 01/10/2015. Technological innovation in the field of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), especially in the tofu and tempe industrial sector in the city

Balikpapan in order to increase production is very important for entrepreneurs so that production costs can be minimized so that it will maintain the quality and price in the market. This was revealed by the management of the Cooperative of the Small Industrial Zone Tofu Balikpapan, Bahrun from the Balikpapan City Industry Office.

market and consumer demand for tofu and tempeh products at this time in the city of Balikpapan is increasing by soaring the price of beef and fish in the Balikpapan market bring blessings to tofu craftsmen.

"If previously we were only able to produce at most 5 tons per day, now it has reached 10 tons," with 70 stalls Bahrun. This amount, according to Bahrun, has not fully met market demand that continues to increase. The tofu and tempeh crafters in Balikpapan occupy a special area of ​​nine (9) hectares prepared by the Balikpapan City Government since 2000.

"Tempe business people who are outside this area are still there but the target in 2016 is expected to be all in this area," said Bahrun explained to the Balikpapan City Verification Team Sehat Healthy Derived from the Ministry of Health and the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan as well as at the Healthy Balikpapan City Forum at the Tah-Tempe UKM Cooperative Office.

Increased Tah-Tempe Production is very important with the transfer of technology with existing technological innovations to be more efficient in terms of production costs and production time in line with increased market demand. If at first business actors used a simple soybean boiling tool, now it has used a kettle that is able to produce faster heat with more production.

"We use this simple technology since 2007, and we will continue to develop," Bahrun said. With this boiled boiler, business actors are able to reduce production costs through more efficient fuel use and more efficient and more water efficient time. These small businesses no longer have difficulty raw materials because cooperatives have been provided in collaboration with distributors from Surabaya and Makassar.

Special small industrial estates are in Somber, Batu Ampar Village, North Balikpapan. This area was formed by the Balikpapan City Government in order to accommodate tempeh tofu craftsmen who were victims of fire with 9 hectares which were used as a new Kawawan Industry covering an area of ​​4.5 hectares. This tofu-tempe industrial area has made a safe waste treatment system for the environment or has made a Wastewater Management Installation (WWTP) in collaboration with the Balikpapan City Environment Agency.

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