Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Preparation of the manuscript of the cooperation agreement for the emission decrease in East Kalimantan Province
Balikpapan, (09/10/2020). Located at the Novotel Hotel Cooperation Agreement Program Emissions Decreasing in East Kalimantan Province which was carried out between the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia and the Province of East Kalimantan was at the stage of preparing the agreement.
This activity lasted for two days, namely 8-9 October 2020, where the agenda on the first day was the discussion of the draft of the Cooperation Agreement, and the second day of the discussion and Finaslization of the Cooperation Agreement. P>
Discussion This cooperation agreement was attended by the Head of Economics and SDA Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province Saur Parsaoran T, S.Pi, Memd and the Head of the Natural Resources and Environmental Subdivision Hj. Rina Juliaty, S.Si, M.Sc and Staff. Also present were the Ministry of KLHK, P3sekPI, East Kalimantan Bappeda, Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of the Regional Secretariat of Prov. East Kalimantan, Public Relations and Protocol Bureau of Regional Secretariat Prov. East Kalimantan, Bureau of Law Setda Prov. Kaltim, DDPI, GGGI.
The purpose of this collaboration is to build joint action in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, prepare for the implementation of programs, improvement of policies and institutions, realize the application of social and environmental safety frameworks, distribution of benefits that are Justice, as well as accountable measurement, monitoring, and reporting are also transparent, exchange, synchronization and verification of supporting data measurements and monitoring of the implementation of emissions in East Kalimantan agreed upon by the parties.
This cooperation agreement is carried out based on a work plan that contains general information from each program including activities, outputs, schedules, sources of funding and parties involved and responsible. The work plan is completed and signed by the parties no later than 3 months after the signing of this cooperation agreement.
delivered by the Rina This cooperation agreement is valid for 5 years since it was signed by the parties involved and could be extended in accordance with the agreement. It is planned that the signing will be carried out on October 13.
(Humasbapandalaltim/Fat/Editor Sukandar, S.Sos)