Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Preparation of Policy Recommendations for Water Resources Management in the Prospective New Capital City
Samarinda, (20/11/2020). In order to gather information and enrich data and information, the National Water Resources Council is holding a Meeting for Preparing Policy Recommendations for Water Resources Management in the Prospective New Capital City online via the Zoom meeting application.
Present at this activity were the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, the National Water Resources Council, the Kalimantan III River Basin Hall, the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda, the Mahakam Berau BPDASHL, the Groundwater Hall, the East Kalimantan ForDAS, and Natural resources observer and activist.
This meeting aims to provide recommendations for Water Resources Management Policy in the New Capital Region and surrounding areas.
In terms of natural resource management, most of the KIPP & KIKN areas are in the SANGGAI watershed, based on the processed data, household, urban and industrial (RKI) water needs can be projected in 2035 amounting to 0.54 m3/sec, agricultural and plantation water requirements in 2045 amounting to 0.10 m3/sec, livestock water requirements amounting to 0.007 m3/sec and water requirements for fisheries of 0.046 m3/sec in 2035.
From the data shown above, it can be projected that in 2035 with a population of 1.9 million people, 8,508 lt/sec of water can be distributed to meet the water needs of the supporting cities of Balikpapan, District . Sepaku and Samboja Districts assume a population growth rate of 2.3%/year and water requirements of 150 liters/person/day).
On this occasion several recommendations were obtained from the National Water Resources Council for Natural Resources Support for IKN, namely; recommendations to ensure water availability in quantity, quality and continuity (water balance), ecological sustainability of IKN through integrated and sustainable water resources management efforts (integrated water resources management), Formulate suggestions and input on the substance of the RTRW for East Kalimantan Province, North Penajam Paser Regency and Regency Kutai Kartanegara which is conducive to the implementation of integrated and sustainable water resources management, Formulates institutional models for managing water resources, SPAM and waste water, as well as watersheds that are compatible for integrated and sustainable management. sustainable, Making the management policy of water resources and related land (the Sepaku watershed and the Semoi-semulang watershed) a model for watershed and watershed management policies in Indonesia.
(PR of BappedaKaltim/Fat/Editor: Sukandar, S.sos)< /p>