
Sunday, 29 November 2020



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Expansion of Plantation Commodities in 2021

Samarinda, (13/10/2020). Head of Economics and Natural Resources, Saur Parsaoran and Staff attended the 2021 Plantation Commodity Expansion Activities Technical Meeting at the Midtown Hotel.

Also present at this activity were the Heads of the East Kalimantan Province Plantation Service, Regency/City Plantation Services throughout East Kalimantan Province and Regency/City PPLs throughout East Kalimantan Province. This meeting was chaired by the Head of the Commodity Development Division of the East Kalimantan Province Plantation Service.

This meeting aims to increase the synergy and professionalism of officers in overseeing 2020 plantation activities in the Regency/City.

In his remarks, the Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Plantation Service emphasized that in developing plantations in East Kalimantan, planning needs to be finalized (Proposal Proposal, CPCL). This is intended so that the programs carried out by the Provincial Government are right on target and location.

Saur said that it is necessary to synergize the expansion of plantation commodities with market demand prospects and to guide the principles of sustainable plantations in the process of expanding plantation commodities. Apart from that, it is in the expansion process to guide land use according to the East Kalimantan Province RTRW 2016-2036.

Saur also conveyed several strategies implemented in the implementation of community plantation development, namely Increasing Plantation Production, Determining Plantation Location Areas, Integrating Mapped Land Data, Integrating Implementation of Programs/Activities, and Sustainable Development involving farmers.

(Humas BappedaKaltim/fat/editor:Sukandar, S. Sos)