East Kalimantan PPID Bappeda Takes Public Information Consequences Test
Bandung, (16/07/2024) – Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province participated in the consequence test activities held by the Department of Communication and Informatics (Diskominfo) of East Kalimantan Province on 16-17 July at Harris Hotel Ciumbeleui. This event aims to test which information can be opened to the public and which cannot, so that there is a common perception between public information organizers regarding which information must be opened and which is excluded, in accordance with Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning Openness of Public Information. p>
Opened by the Head of the East Kalimantan Diskominfo, Muhammad Fasial, 6 explained that although basically all information is open, there is a consequence test mechanism which determines that certain information must be excluded. "Actually, all information is open, nothing is closed, whether we like it or not, it has to be open, there is still one article that says it is exempt information and there are mechanisms for this, one of which is the consequence testing mechanism."
He also added that certain information is deemed to be required to be kept confidential by a public body, submissions must be made to the Main PPID, namely Diskominfo. After that, Diskominfo conducted a consequence test to test the information before rejecting the request for public information.
Therefore, the Consequence Test is important to determine the impact that might arise if the information is provided to the public. "If the impact is bad, the information will be closed, and vice versa. This decision will be stipulated through a decree (SK)," he explained.
In this Consequence Test, examiners from Mulawarman University, Warkhatun Najidah, as well as the Head of IKP and Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Communication and Information Office, Irene Yuriantini, were present.
The participants who attended came from various implementing PPIDs, including the Regional Research and Innovation Agency, the Department of Population, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, the Forestry Service, the East Kalimantan Bappeda, the Department of Investment and Services One Stop Integrated Service, Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and SMEs, DPRD Secretariat, AWS Syahrani Regional Hospital, Dr. Kanujoso Djatiwibowo, and PT. BPD Kaltim Kaltara.
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