Rakortekrenbang Becomes Momentum for Aligning East Kalimantan Province Development Plans with Regency/City
Bappeda East Kalimantan Province held a Development Planning Technical Coordination Meeting (Rakortekrenbang) at the Four Point Hotel Balikpapan, Wednesday (3/4).
The activity, which was carried out on 3 - 6 April 2024, invited various relevant stakeholders in accordance with the distribution of the schedule that had been determined, including elements of the Regency/City Government as the leading elements for the proposed coordination meeting (which includes Bappeda/Bappedalitbang as well as elements Relevant Regional Apparatus), elements discussing the proposal (which includes Regional Apparatus within the scope of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government), Elements of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, as well as elements within the scope of vertical agencies (including elements of Bank Indonesia East Kalimantan Representatives and East Kalimantan BPS).
For your information, the Rakortekrenbang is a technical discussion space between the Provincial Government and the Regency/City Government regarding proposals submitted by the Regency/City as well as for the harmonization of macro development indicators in accordance with the mandate of Minister of Home Affairs Regulation 86 of 2017 concerning Procedures for Planning, Controlling, and Regional Development Evaluation. This is a strategic basis for preparing directed and measurable work plans and providing clear and comprehensive direction for regional development to serve as input in preparing the 2025 East Kalimantan Province RKPD document.
Furthermore, the coordination meeting is carried out through a process discussions between the Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province with the Regency/City Bappeda/Bappedalitbang and related Regional Apparatus in parallel at 4 (four) predetermined desks, namely :
Desk 1: Regarding Government and Human Development (led by the Head of PPM Bappeda Kaltim, Mr. Mispoyo);
Desk 2: Regarding the Economy and Natural Resources (led by the Head of PSDA Bappeda Kaltim, Mr. Wahyu Gatut Purboyo);
Desk 3: Regarding Regional Infrastructure (led by the Head of Regional Infrastructure of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, Mr. Baihaqi Hazami); and
Desk 4: Regarding Macro Development Indicators (led by the Secretary of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, Mr. Saur Parsaoran).
For further details, planning friends can check our website bappeda.kaltimprov.go.id or click the link in bio.