Pamsimas III Program Coordination Meeting 2021
Samarinda, 17 June 2021, 08.30 WITA. East Kalimantan Province Bappeda attended the 2021 PAMSIMAS III program coordination meeting. This event was attended by the East Kalimantan Province and Regency/City PUPR-PERA Services, the East Kalimantan Provincial Health Service as well as the Provincial and Regency/City Bappeda/Bapelitbang. Resource persons who attended included representatives of PPMU, BPPW Kaltim and ROMS Pamsimas.
The community-based drinking water and sanitation provision program or known as PAMSIMAS is a platform for rural drinking water and sanitation development implemented with a community approach.
Construction of a Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation System (SPAMS) includes the construction of reservoirs, simple water treatment, pipe networks, water towers and hand washing facilities. There are also training and health promotions, namely: technical training, administration & procurement of goods and services, disability training, school & community PHBS health promotion as well as training to improve the SPAMS Management Group (KP-SPAMS).
Regarding the follow-up to activities at PAMSIMAS in 2020 in all districts in East Kalimantan, it was conveyed by the resource person that in stages the TFM, Regency ROMS and Provincial ROMS checked and re-confirmed the completeness of the LPD reporting documents up to LP2K, physical construction, and taking into account functional aspects, utilization aspects, management aspects and sustainability aspects.
The 2021 PAMSIMAS III program in East Kalimantan comes from APBN funds amounting to IDR 8.3 billion and APBD funds amounting to IDR 2.2 billion. Locations for activities include Paser, Kubar, Kukar, Berau and PPU districts. There are also Village Incentive Grant funds for Safe Drinking Water allocated to 7 villages in Kubar with APBN funds amounting to IDR 1.9 billion. Meanwhile, the 2021 Drinking Water Assignment DAK will be in Paser (1 village), Kukar (5 villages), and Berau (2 villages) with APBN funds of IDR 16.9 billion. As well as the 2021 Rural Drinking Water Grant (HAMP) in Kukar (proposed for 3 villages) with APBN funds amounting to IDR 548 million.
In general, the achievements of 16 (sixteen) Key Performance Indicators (KPI) can be said to have not been achieved. In this regard, it is hoped that the Regional Government can be more optimal in its handling efforts.