Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Discussion Meeting of the Progress of the Acceleration of Maloy Port Development
Samarinda, (15 September 2020). Head of Economics Saur Parsaoran, T, S.Pi, MEMD, plt. Head of Infrastructure and Regional Affairs Ibnu Abbas, S. Sos, M. Si, Head of Sub-Division for Development and Transportation Dedy Pujda W, ST attended the Meeting to discuss the Progress of Accelerating Maloy Port Development via Zoom Meeting in the Meeting Room for Infrastructure and Regional Affairs.
This meeting was organized by the Implementing Team of the Committee for the Acceleration of Infrastructure Provision, and opened by Mr. Djoko Wibowo as the representative of the Deputy for Coordination of Regional Development and Spatial Planning.
Present online as participants in this activity Secretariat of the National KEK Council, Director of Ports, Directorate General of Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Transportation, Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, UPP Sangkulirang, Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province , Provincial Transportation Department. East Kalimantan, Provincial PUPR-PERA Department. East Kalimantan, Administrator of KEK Maloy (East Kutai Regency Government), Pelindo IV, and Perusda MBS.
The purpose of this meeting is to evaluate the implementation of the Maloy Special Economic Zone (KEK) Port Development in East Kalimantan, which is one of the National Strategic Projects in Presidential Decree no. 56 of 2018 concerning Acceleration of PSN Implementation.
Saur said that currently the progress of the construction of seaside facilities at the Maloy SEZ port carried out by the Ministry of Transportation has been completed in 2019, namely the construction of the Trestle and Port Pier. However, currently it is not yet operational because of the problem that the ship berthing test has not been carried out by UPP Sangkulirang which is planned to be carried out in 2020.
Saur further conveyed that the progress of the construction of the port's land side facilities in the form of office buildings and supporting infrastructure such as the Raw Water transmission network, Maloy SPAM and Helipad had been completed by the Government. East Kalimantan Province. The 17.5 km Regional Access Road has been completed by the PUPR Ministry, and the electricity network facilities by PLN. Meanwhile, the planning for the completion of the approach road from the office to the 400 meter causeway will be carried out by the East Kalimantan Transportation Department in 2021.
Currently, the KPPIP TEAM is assessing the progress of the project for the port side and supporting infrastructure of the Maloy SEZ, construction is considered to have been completed. However, to accelerate the operations of the Maloy SEZ Area, the KPPIP TEAM suggests that there is a need for a regional development strategy by the Regional Government to overcome problems and accessibility to the Maloy SEZ Area in order to attract investor interest.
(Humas BappedaKaltim/fat)