
Tuesday, 29 June 2021



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Validation of KLHS RPJMD Balikpapan City

Samarinda, 11 June 2021, 08.30 WITA. East Kalimantan Province Bappeda attended the online (virtual meeting) KLHS RPJMD Validation activity for Balikpapan City which was attended by 33 participants. This event was organized by the East Kalimantan Provincial Environmental Service involving expert speakers in preparing the KLHS RPJMD for Balikpapan City for 2020-2024. This event is intended to obtain input from the validation team for improving the KLHS RPJMD Balikpapan City document for 2020-2024.

The Strategic Environmental Study (KLHS) for the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) of Balikpapan City has been completed with reference to Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 7 of 2018 and following the technical instructions provided currently referred to and released by the Directorate General of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Ditjen Bangda Kemendagri). The preparation steps undertaken are a study of the achievement of sustainable development goals, analysis of TPB achievements per regional apparatus organization (OPD), formulation of strategic issues, projections and preparation of alternatives and recommendations to a study of the carrying capacity of the environment and several other contents.

The study of the achievement of the sustainable development goals (TPB) of Balikpapan City shows that 133 indicators (60%) have been implemented and have been achieved (SS), 24 indicators (11%) have been implemented but have not yet been achieved target (SB), 30 indicators (13%) have not been implemented and have not reached the target (BB) and 35 indicators (16%) have no data (NA).

Based on the main tasks and functions of each Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) within the Balikpapan City Government, the Health Service is responsible for the most indicators (43 indicators), followed by the Women's Empowerment Service, There are 27 indicators for Child Protection and Family Planning, 13 indicators for the Education and Culture Service and 12 indicators for the Environment Service. Apart from the 22 OPDs within the Balikpapan City Government, there are 3 vertical institutions which are also responsible for a number of indicators, namely: BPS, BPDAS and Bank Indonesia.

Projections of TPB achievements on indicators that have been implemented but have not been achieved show that 48 indicators have still not reached the target by 2030, so additional efforts need to be made to achieve them before 2030.

In terms of development financing, activities at the Balikpapan City Public Works Department dominate financing, reaching 41%, followed by the Education and Culture Service at 17% and the Regional Secretariat at 8%.

The study of additional efforts relative to the conditions of DDDT-LH and several other study contents resulted in adjustments that were integrated into the accelerated stage of achieving the TPB with additional efforts.
