
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



81343 times seen

Virtual Meeting Evaluation of MBTK KEK Readiness

Samarinda, (08/10/2020). In order to identify problems that resulted in hamper investment in, the MBTK council evaluated the readiness of the Special Economic Zone of Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimantan through the Zoom Meeting application.

Present in this activity Kasubbid Indagkop, Investment and Tourism Bappeda East Kalimantan Province Andi Arifudin, S.Pi, M.Si along with staff, and regular apparatus, namely the Transportation Agency of East Kalimantan Province, Legal Bureau, Infrastructure Bureau, DPMPTSP, Assistant 2 Government of East Kutai Regency, DPMPTSP Kab. Kutai Timur, Bappeda Kab. Kutai Timur, Disperindag Kab. Kutai Timur and Administrator Kek MBTK.

Delivered by Andi there are 25 technical aspects evaluated from the licensing aspect, land conditions to infrastructure. From the evaluation results only aspects of licensing and non -problematic land conditions. This is because the administrator in East Kutai Regency is ready.

For infrastructure aspects there are several problems, namely first, connectivity to the area of ​​the area and to the source of raw materials still needs to be improved in road conditions, because this is one of the records of business actors. Second, the port is now ready to operate but is still waiting for the D standard test by the Ministry of Transportation and further coordination needs to be carried out with UPP. Sangkulirang and BUP related to port management / operator. Third, if the operator is submitted to the BUP, the BUP must apply for a port business license as a condition for implementing the Port Operator. Fourth, for access roads to the port complained by the UPP. Sangkulirang in the Maloy Port operational preparation effort, there is currently a temporary access road through offices, while special roads to the port will continue to be built which planned DED in 2021 by the Provincial Transportation Agency. For spam and intake facilities constrained clarity who will manage it.

Andi said that the provincial Bappeda provides input so that the mapping of the person in charge of the problems in the MBTK area is in accordance with their respective authorities so that there is clarity related to the person in charge of the follow-up of the problem.

(Humasbapandalaltim/Fat/Editor Sukandar, S.Sos)