
Thursday, 02 September 2021



522 times seen

WEBINAR SDI Data Utilization

SDI Data Utilization Webinar

In order to encourage the role of data utilization in the public and private sectors, related to the entrepreneurial or business sector, the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas is holding an online seminar on the use of data in Business Strategic Preparation.

This webinar is a collaboration between the Satu Data Indonesia secretariat and ASTRA, Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, Central Statistics Agency, Geospatial Information Agency.

The aim of holding this activity is to provide information to the public regarding the use of data in preparing business strategies which includes disseminating information to the public regarding One Indonesian Data; the role of data utilization in the public and private sectors (in relation to entrepreneurship and business); increasing the contribution of society, the business world and policies in supporting the use and governance of data in the business world; as well as providing information related to good practices in the business sector in supporting the achievement of SDGs through CSR.

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the decline in MSME income. And it also has an impact on accelerating digital transformation. ….. this is an opportunity for the digital economy. The digitalization shift through changes in ways of working and production as well as business models. Through the ecommerce platform as a marketplace that provides unlimited access to the community. According to Dr. Ir. Taufik, as coordinator of the One Data Indonesia Forum, this can open up opportunities for business actors, especially MSMEs, to market their products more widely.

In general, the speakers in this webinar described the importance of data in business strategies carried out by the business world from the perspective of priority development, namely MSMEs and program sustainability.