Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Bimtek Doc. Pemb. Area
Balikpapan, 5/30/12. Preparation of a good quality study team technocratic and academically is very necessary because in 2013 the plan
This was revealed by the Head of the Regional Development Assessment and Financing, Ir.H. Djoko Susilo Handono when giving a speech while opening the Permendagri Technical Guidance event Number 54 of 2010 concerning Implementation of Government Regulation Number 8 of 2008 concerning Stages, Procedures for Preparation, Control and Evaluation of the Implementation of Regional Development Plans in the Blue Sapphire Hotel Meeting Room in the City of Balikpapan .
Bimtek participants are estimated at seventy-five people, consisting of participants all SKPDs in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government who are related or specifically have a proiritas program and regencies/cities in East Kalimantan. / P>
The composition of the event began with the reporting report by the Head of the Regional Development Assessment Sub-Division, Yusliando, ST and continued with the remarks as well as the opening of the Permendagri 54 Bimtek of 2010 by the Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda represented by the Head of Division Assessment and Financing of Regional Development, Ir.H. Djoko Susilo Handono and closed with a prayer read by Said Ichsan Fuad, ST.
In the first session on Monday, 5/28/12 by the resource person from the Ministry of Domestic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Prayitno, MA conveyed the presentation/presentation with the topic "General Explanation of the Preparation of the SKPD Strategic Plan" and continued by Sony Yuwono, SE.Ak, M.Si who
is a consultant with a presentation/presentation with technical titles connecting development problems in formulating programs, activities and indicators Performance "and continued the second presentation with the title" Simulation of the Preparation of the RPJMD by Exemplifying the Case in the Final Draft of the Nduga Regency RPJMD in 2011-2016 ". In his delivery, it said that what was very interesting and fundamental in the preparation of development planning was an indicator of activities which according to the resource person provided a definition that was something that could reflect something. Something that can be a characteristic or something better than before.
While on the second day, Tuesday 29/5/12 Bimtek participants who were originally one class divided into two classes, namely special classes for East Kalimantan Bappeda and Academic Assessment Team in the Jambrut Meeting Room With speakers Soni Yuwono, SE, Ak, M.Sc as experts with the moderator of the Head of the Regional Development Study and Financing, Ir.H. Djoko Susilo Handono and special class for participants from the SKPD in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government in the Blue Sapphire Meeting Room with the guest speaker Nita Yiswa, SE, MM as experts with moderators, Head of Subdivision of Regional Development Assessment, Yusliando, ST.
for the third session or on the third day, Wednesday, May 30, 2012 Bimtek Preparation of Regional Development Documents (Renstra and Renja SKPD, Control and Evaluation) in accordance with Permendagri Number 54 of 2010 in the Meeting Room in the Meeting Room Blue Saphire Hotel Grand Tiga Mustika in Balikpapan began with the delivery of Reviw Bimtek results for the previous two days by the Head of the Assessment and Financing Division of Development Area, East Kalimantan East Kalimantan Bappeda Ir.H. Djoko Susilo Handono.
Head of P3D Bappeda East Kalimantan stated "This Bimtek is very important to be followed by all SKPDs both in the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan and Regency /City because for the benefit of the preparation of the upcoming RPJMD and also a direct message from the Governor of East Kalimantan and Secretary East Kalimantan and will be developed at the end of this Bimtek whether it is still followed by 19 SKPDs in the East Kalimantan Government " The development of this area or a meeting specifically designed with the Governor to be followed for echelon II officials both in the provincial and district/city governments. Said Head of P3D Bappeda Kaltim during the briefing in the last session in the framework of closing the bimtek.
In this last session the guest speaker A. Marwan Lubid, SE., MM as Expert and Nita Yiswa, SE., MA is also an expert with the moderator of the Head of P3D Bappeda East Kalimantan. In the delivery of the first resource person by A. Marwan Lubis conveyed the controlling control of regional development planning.
Socialization and Bimtek Permendagri 54/2010 in principle is to provide references to local governments in preparing documents for regional development plans that are comprehensive, harmonious and synergy, with other related documents as mandated By PP 8 of 2008 concerning Stages, Procedures for Preparation, Control and Evaluation of the Implementation of Regional Development Plans. This was revealed by the resource person from the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, Ir. Prayitno, MA.
This bimtek has a very important and strategic meaning in the context of equalizing perception as well as deepening of the substance contained in Permendagri 54/2010. Comprehensive understanding is certainly an absolute requirement for the realization of a quality regional development plan document, which in turn can encourage the implementation of regional development better. The strategic is also related to the period of the RPJMD of the Province of East Kalimantan which ended in 2013, so that it is the responsibility of all of us to prepare a plan for five years for the period of 2014 - 2018.
Permendagri socialization should include all document preparation materials, namely regional development data and information, RPJPD, RPJMD, Renstra-SKPD, RKPD and Renja-SKPD as well as control & evaluation. But this time it focused on the preparation of the RPJMD, Renstra-SKPD, RKPD, Renja-SKPD and Control & Evaluation of Regional Development Planning. This material was chosen because it contains a guideline that is full of mandates compiling a comprehensive, harmonious and synergy planning document between other related documents and between development planning documents.
The implementation of this technical guidance is expected to improve the quality and performance of the preparation and implementation as well as the results of regional development plans, both the RPJMD, Renstra-SKPD, RKPD and Renja, so that consistency can be realized between documents regional development plans, and consistency between planning and budgeting and harmony with other planning documents, so that in turn will be held regional development in accordance with what desired by the community, namely development that is just, sustainable, improve the welfare & service of the community, and encourage regional competitiveness.
Permendagri Number 54 of 2010 also emphasizes that control and evaluation of the plan has a very important role in the implementation of development, which escorts the planner of the plan from the beginning to the results. In this case the plan is in the upstream position, while the evaluation is in the downstream position. So that quality control and evaluation is the key to the level of quality of the plan. For this reason, we, Bappeda, as the Deputy of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan, who carried out the task of controlling and evaluating, urged and really hoped for the active role of all SKPDs. In this case Kemenpan-RB has evaluated the 2011 government agency accountability system. The results of the evaluation contain mandates to improve problems related to:
1. Performance planning; 2. Performance measurement; 3. Performance reporting; 4. Performance evaluation; 5. Performance achievements
As for those related to the planning function and the responsibility of Bappeda and Subbag SKPD program planning is a problem that involves "performance planning", including:
1. The target formulation in the RPJMD and SKPD Strategic Plan is not entirely the results oriented, not yet fully equipped with measurable outcome indicators and medium -term performance targets have not been well determined; 2. Disarray of budgeting contained in RKA-SKPD with the planning as outlined in the Strategic Plan; 3. Performance Determination Documents (PK) have not been monitored regularly and have not been fully utilized in various direction, performance monitoring or policy making; The SKPD RPJMD/Renstra Document has not been fully in harmony with the RPJMN/RPJMD document, has not presented IKU properly and has not been reviuuuuuuuuuuu; 4. The RKT/Renja SKPD document is not entirely used as a reference to prepare performance settings (PK) and prepare a budget (RKT Performance Target vs. RKA Performance Target).
There are several district/city governments that compile regional development plans documents have consulted the provincial government by presenting bordering regencies/cities. The purpose of involving districts/cities is bordering, in this case aligning the development program and implementation of development activities as well as to encourage cooperation between district/city governments that have an impact on improving the economy of the community of each region. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).