Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Development of the East Kalimantan Border Area
Balikpapan, 5/29/12. The East Kalimantan Border Area Development Coordination Meeting (Rakor) was opened by the Deputy Minister of Public Works, Hermanto Dardak, accompanied by the Governor of East Kalimantan, Dr H Awang Faroek Ishak in the Grand Senyiur Hotel Balikpapan Meeting Room.
The meeting participants were attended by all stakeholders related to Borders, both at the Central Government/Regional Government/Regency Government level in 3 (three) Border Areas , as well as elements of community figures. Some of the results of the coordination meeting include:
1. The government needs to immediately speed up the completion of the determination and confirmation of the state boundary segments which are still problematic (Outstanding Boundary Problem / OBP). Thus, the Regional Government and the community will no longer hesitate in utilizing the "inner area" segment for the benefit of the community and regional progress;
2. The government needs to increase efforts to secure national borders supported by adequate defense and security facilities and infrastructure, as well as increase efforts to take action and enforce the law against violations of state borders and illegal activities at the borders;
3. In order to suppress cross-border violations and at the same time to improve services, the Government needs to immediately improve the management/management of exit – entry points that have been agreed upon in the Border Crossing Agreement to become State Cross-Border Posts (PLBN) with Customs, Immigration, Quarantine, Security (CIQS) services. in an integrated / one roof manner supported by adequate facilities;
4. 'Program House' in the form of a Grand Design (2011 – 2025) and a Master Plan for Management of National Borders and Border Areas (2011 – 2014), to be used as a consistent reference by every Ministry/LPNK, Regional Government and the Business World in planning and implementing border development which is oriented at the National Strategic Activity Center (PKSN) in Border Areas and in 111 Priority Locations / Districts which are targets for handling in 2011 – 2014;
5. In order to increase the consistency and sustainability of border development programs and activities, it is necessary to prepare a 5 (five) year strategic plan in the form of a "road map" or "blueprint" for border development in national strategic activity centers in border areas, and in each sub-districts that have been designated as priority locations for treatment in 2011 – 2014;
6. There is a need for accelerated support for approval of the substance of forest area changes and revisions to the 2011-2031 East Kalimantan RTRWP from the Minister of Forestry, which is still awaiting the approval process of Commission IV-DPR RI. Bearing in mind this will be the basis and reference for the development of East Kalimantan both in general and specifically regarding borders. (Most of the Border Areas are the HoB Area and Kayan Mentarang KNP);
7. It is necessary to accelerate infrastructure development and stimulus to encourage the development of economic activities in border areas which leads to the realization of Border Areas as a front porch as well as a gateway for economic activity and trade with neighboring countries. This includes accelerating the construction of access roads and parallel roads to connect national strategic activity centers such as Simanggaris, Nunukan / Sebatik, Long Midang, Long Nawang and Long Pahangai as well as sub-districts that have been designated as priority locations for handling in 2011 - 2014;< /p>
8. It is necessary to accelerate telecommunications development in border blank spot areas to reduce disparities in information for border communities so they can know developments both at home and abroad, especially in neighboring countries. In this regard, regional governments such as Malinau Regency have built 6 (six) towers that can be used by providers. For this reason, the Government is expected to be able to facilitate and mediate so that the tower facilities can function immediately;
9. Special Cost Units (SBK) are needed for development of border areas due to high prices and limited materials for development, as well as high prices of basic necessities which are influenced by limited infrastructure and transportation services;
10. As an effort to improve human resources in border areas, it is necessary to accelerate educational infrastructure that takes into account affordable service areas, as well as fulfilling health infrastructure to create quality human resources;
11. Providing maximum opportunities for students from border areas to enter state universities through special policies and providing proportional educational assistance;
12. It is hoped that all agencies (central and regional), as well as the business world and social institutions, will explore and develop the potential available in border areas in an environmentally friendly manner to improve people's welfare and advance the economy of border areas. (source: A. Muzakkir, ST., M.Si and published by Public Relations of Bappeda Sukandar, S.Sos)