KUA-PPAS APBD East Kalimantan 2013 Rp. 13 T
Samarinda, 09/7/12. East Kalimantan Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) in 2013 was planned to be Rp.13 trillion,
This was revealed by the Governor of East Kalimantan Dr.H. Awang Faorok Ishak when giving an explanation of the 2013 KUA and PPAS APBD PPAS Draft in East Kalimantan DPRD Building in Samarinda, Monday 9/7/12.
The Governor explained that the 2013 activity plan was a development program for the fifth year of implementing the Regional Development Development Plan (RPJMD) in 2009-2013 according to the vision of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.
Then the Governor of East Kalimantan conveyed the Budget General Policy (KUA), Priority and Provisional Budget Ceiling (PPAS) of the 2013 APBD with a total revenue of the 2013 fiscal year of Rp.13 trillion or an increase of Rp.2.39 trillion compared to the 2012 fiscal year of Rp. 10.6 trillion. KUA-PPAS APBD East Kalimantan 2013 was sourced from the receipt of PAD of Rp. 5.12 trillion, a balance fund of Rp. 5.96 trillion, other valid regional income of Rp. 415 billion and revenue financing of Rp. 1.5 trillion.
While in the shopping component, consisting of indirect expenditure (BTL) of Rp. 5.99 trillion, direct expenditure (BL) of Rp. 6.9 trillion and expenditure financing of Rp. 100 billion. Direct expenditure consists of direct expenditure of the plural contract pattern (MYC) project of Rp. 2.58 trillion and non MYC amounted to Rp.3.85 trillion.
Indirect expenditure includes employee expenditure of Rp. 959.26 billion, grant spending of Rp. 909 billion, social assistance of Rp. 97 billion, profit sharing expenditure to regencies/cities in East Kalimantan amounting to Rp. 2.26 trillion, financial assistance to regencies/cities throughout East Kalimantan Rp. 1.73 trillion, financial assistance to political parties amounting to Rp.1.10 billion and unexpected spending of Rp. 30 billion.
While for direct spending in 2013 allocated Rp. 6.90 trillion, up Rp1.56 trillion compared to 2012 amounting to Rp. 5.33 trillion. said the Governor.
While the statement of the Deputy Chairperson of the East Kalimantan DPRD, Hadi Mulyadi hoped that the 2013 Pure APBD would also accommodate the aspirations of the people delivered through the East Kalimantan DPRD, both in the recess and the visit of the commissions. (Source: From various media and published Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/SKR).