
Wednesday, 02 December 2020



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DIPA APBN KALTIM 2013 Rp. 36,216 Trillion

Samarinda, 17/12/12. Submission of DIPA APBN East Kalimantan 2013 Governor of East Kalimantan, DR.H. Awang Faroek Ishak to the Government 1a._gub_serahan_dipa_ke_walikota_smd_17_des_12Districts/Cities throughout East Kalimantan 36,216 trillion came from Ministries and Institutions in East Kalimantan, including 1. KPPN Samarinda amounting to 315 DIPA amounting to Rp. 5.9 Trillion; 2. KPPN Balikpapan amounting to 135 DIPA amounting to Rp. 3.5 Trillion; 3. KPPN Tarakan amounting to 105 DIPA amounting to Rp. 655 billion and KPPN Nunukan as much as 40 DIPA amounting to Rp. 167 Billion. Meanwhile, the 2013 APBD also increased to Rp. 13 trillion compared to 2012, only Rp. 10.603 Trillion.

This was expressed by the Governor of East Kalimantan when giving a speech as well as opening the Working Meeting of the Governor of East Kalimantan with the Regents and Mayors of East Kalimantan with the theme Development Performance Achievements for the 4th Year of the East Kalimantan RPJMD in the Lamin Etam meeting room, jln. Gajah Mada Samarinda.

Aim of the Working Meeting: Evaluation of Development Performance Achievements for the 4th Year of the RPJMD. Has it exceeded the target (outstanding), is it on track or is it still off track.

Why is evaluation important?
a. There is a mandate from PERDA No. 4 of 2009 concerning RPJMD 2009 – 2013 to achieve the 2013 target in accordance with the Vision of East Kalimantan Bangkit.
b. Evaluate carefully and thoroughly our performance position until 2012, so that in 2013, no projects will be left unfinished, EVERYTHING MUST BE COMPLETED - 2013 must be made THE YEAR OF ROUNDING UP.

To remind you what our duties and responsibilities, the regional government, actually are
a. 3 Aspects (1). Community Welfare, (2). General/Public Services, (3). Regional Competitiveness.
b. In accordance with the development approach/strategy: FOUR TRACK STRATEGY, namely pro-growth (Pro Growth), pro-employment (Pro Job), pro-poverty reduction (Pro Poor) and pro-environment (Pro Environment) strategies.
c. The success of development is measured by the extent to which we are able to answer the people's mandate.2._participant_raker_gub_bersama_bupti-walikota_se_kaltim_smd_17_des_12

In accordance with the 12 priority programs of the 2012 RKPD and based on statistical data on the main development indicators, we are grateful that we have achieved a lot of PROGRESS.

First, the East Kalimantan economy is getting stronger, more stable and fair (growth with equity) towards a green economy. GRDP in 2009 was IDR. 285.6 trillion increased to Rp. 390.6 trillion in 2011 and in 2012 until the third quarter Rp. 321.7 trillion, and economic growth in the period 2000 - 2008 which only averaged 3.17%, in the 4 years of implementation of the RPJMD (2009 - 2012) reached an average of 4% with the highest growth rate during 2000 - 2012, in in 2010, namely 5.04%. From 2012 to the third quarter it was recorded at 4.75% and we are optimistic that in 2013 it will reach 4.5 – 5.5%.

Secondly, we agree that the development we carry out is for the people so that the orientation of development must be the people as the center, human centered development. We implement development programs to meet the basic needs of the people. Let's all focus, so that people don't have complaints regarding the availability and sufficiency of food, clothing, shelter, education and health.

We want no more school age children not to go to school. People no longer have difficulty seeking treatment to obtain health services. I ask all Regents/Mayors to pay great attention to matters concerning the basic needs of the people.

On the other hand, efforts to encourage people's independence also need to be continued. It is impossible, the government can always support the people. So what should we do? opening up employment opportunities, job creation. With a job, people will get an income so they won't have difficulty meeting their basic needs. For jobs to be created, the economy must grow. The development of infrastructure, toll roads, container ports, airports, industrial areas, the 200,000 ha food & rice estate program, the 1 million hectare oil palm program, cages, job markets and others are nothing but efforts to provide space for people to work. As a result, the open unemployment rate continues to decline, in 2008 the number of unemployed people was 157,376 people (11.11%), currently based on SAKERNAS August 2012 it is 158,263 people (8.90%).

4._gub_Kaltim_menyampaikan_sambutan_saatgus_membuka_acara_raker_gub_bersama_bupati_dan_walikota_se_kaltim_di_lamin_etam_jl_gajah_mada_smdThirdly, the myth that East Kalimantan is rich but there are still many poor people is not very true, the facts show that the number of poor people continues to decrease, in 2008 The poor population was 284,440 people (9.51%) and at the end of 2012 it reached 6.68% with a total poor population of 253,340 people.

However, if we compare the number of poor people in 2011 which was 247,900 people (6.77%) and 2012 which was 253,340 people (6.68%), it is recognized that the absolute number of poor people has increased because we are faced with the reality of population growth which was high at 3.81% (third highest after Papua and Riau) with migrant growth dominating at 2.18%.

Fourth. Environmental aspects need special attention in the context of sustainable development. We are grateful, East Kalimantan has rich natural resources and it has been proven that the East Kalimantan economy is in the top 6 national positions, but with high dependence on the oil and gas and coal sectors. We are aware that no matter how large the potential oil and gas and coal reserves are, one day they will run out, so we have agreed not to delay preparing the regional economy after oil and gas and coal.

We have set a vision, that East Kalimantan continues to be the Center for Agro-Industry and National Energy Storage. The MP3EI document emphasizes East Kalimantan's strategic position in Corridor III Kalimantan. MP3EI was born to accelerate development programs, especially in encouraging increased added value in leading economic sectors, infrastructure and energy development, as well as human resource and science and technology development.

MP3EI is expected to boost economic growth, thus MP3EI projects are not limited to projects funded through the APBN and private sector, but any activities that are able to accelerate economic growth and expansion in each corridor, including those funded by the APBD Province and District/City APBD.

Acceleration and expansion of economic development is not the final goal, the ultimate goal of development is to improve people's welfare. Once again. People's welfare is the ultimate development goal. Currently, MP3KI (Masterplan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Poverty Reduction) is being formulated. Later, the Deputy Governor as Chair of the TKPD is expected to convey the progress of accelerating poverty reduction and what MP3KI is focusing on.

But to achieve all that requires acceleration, a BREAKTHROUGH is needed. Especially in terms of efforts to reduce poverty, it needs to be prioritized.

We have all witnessed the submission of the DIPA APBN and DPA APBD for the 2013 fiscal year. We are grateful that the 2013 APBN allocation of IDR 10.216 trillion has increased compared to 2012 which was only IDR. 9.282 Trillion. Apart from that, East Kalimantan Province also received transfer funds to the regions for the 2013 Fiscal Year amounting to Rp. 26 Trillion. Meanwhile, the 2013 APBD also increased to Rp. 13 trillion compared to 2012, only Rp. 10.603 Trillion.

However, this increase in budget allocation must also be accompanied by actual budget absorption. In 2012 budget absorption was still worrying, where for the APBN until November 2012 only 61.31% had been absorbed and physical realization was 79.64%. Meanwhile, the APBD financial realization was 55.20% and physical realization was 70.88%.

In 2013 this should no longer happen, the tender process must begin in January 2013 and tenders will be held simultaneously so that the target is for all projects to have signed contracts by March 2013, because this is related to the performance of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.

The SKPD leadership and the Budget Absorption Acceleration Evaluation Team (TEPPA) must work harder so that from the start we are able to identify the problem of low realization of the targets that must be achieved. In fact, not only will the funds come from the Provincial APBD, the Provincial Government in collaboration with the Regional Office of the Directorate General of State Treasury will carry out integrated monitoring and evaluation of the physical and financial progress of activities sourced from the APBN.

The Governor of East Kalimantan advised at the end of this speech "let us all place togetherness as a key factor in successful development". There is no more, this APBN project is the responsibility of the Central Government and the Provincial APBD project is the Governor's job to complete it. Projects funded by the Provincial APBD are spread across 14 regencies/cities, we need the support of all Regents/Mayors, without the support of the Regent/Mayor, the private sector and the people it is impossible for us to make it all happen.

In the end, the Governor of East Kalimantan's speech invited all SKPD and stakeholders to take advantage of this working meeting to objectively evaluate the development programs that we have carried out. Then we formulate an action plan to accelerate its completion, so that all the targets mandated in the 2013 East Kalimantan Rise Vision are realized. (Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Bappeda/Sukandar, S.Sos).