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East Kalimantan Natural Resources Management Opportunities

Balikpapan, 7/1/13. The Governor of East Kalimantan delivered the exposure of East Kalimantan natural resource management (smart) 1a._Gubernur_Lemhanas_Prof._Budi_Soepandji_membuka_acara_Semiloka_Nasional_di_Ruang_Rapat_Htl_Grand_Senyiur_Balikpapan_7_Jan_13_-_web For the magnitude of the welfare of the community based on local wisdom at the National Seminar and Workshop with the Lemhanas Family Association of Regular Course 25 in the Grand Hotel Meeting Room Balikpapan, and followed by participants of approximately one hundred and fifty people, Originally from the Central Government (Lemhanas), echelon II officials (Head of the SKPD of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government) including the Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda, Dr.H. Ir. Rusmadi.MS and echelon III and IV officials and related staff in the management of natural resources.

The Governor of East Kalimantan said that the management of natural resources in East Kalimantan has obstacles, threats and also enormous opportunities in improving the welfare of the community. Geographically, East Kalimantan has an area of ​​20.8 million ha and is located in the midst of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

With an area of ​​about 1.5 times the islands of Java and Madura, East Kalimantan only inhabited by around 3.7 million inhabitants, it will be a driver of national economic growth. East Kalimantan in 2011 is a province with the 6th largest GRDP value in Indonesia after DKI Jakarta, East Java, West Java, Central Java and Riua. With the GRDP value, East Kalimantan contributed around 67.9% of the Kalimantan Regional GRDP and 36.85% to the Regional GRDP of Eastern Indonesia.

nationally East Kalimantan is the province with the largest per capita GRDP in Indonesia, which is Rp.105.8 million. Regional Product in 2011 Rp. 390.64 trillion, 50.29% supported by the mining and industrial sector of processing 23.36%. While these two sectors are sectors that cannot be renewed and one day will run out. While the third quarter of 2012 GRDP amounted to Rp. 321.77 trillion.

Economic growth of East Kalimantan for the last three years of fluctuations, namely in 2008, the East Kalimantan economy grew by 4.90% in 2009 dropped to 2.28%, then in 2010 again increased to 5.04% and years 2011 to 3.93%. Most of the GRDP of East Kalimantan originated from unrelentable natural resource extraction with a contribution of around 50.3% of the total PDRB in 2011.

This is in harmony with the amount of wealth of mining and excavations in East Kalimantan. East Kalimantan has around 37% of national coal reserves with production reaching 51% of national products in 2011. 11% of national petroleum reserves with a production of 16.3 from national production, 24.3% national gas reserves with 36% production. In addition, East Kalimantan also has 23.5% National Coal Mentana Gas Reserves.

The Vision of the Medium-Term Development of East Kalimantan 2009-2013 which is also known as the Vision of East Kalimantan Bangkit 2013, namely "Realizing East Kalimantan as a Prominent Agro-Industry and Energy Center towards a Fair and Prosperous Society" is the ideal of East Kalimantan to reduce economic dependence on resources which is not renewable, which will eventually run out.

Two large strategies that were referred to in the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan in implementing the vision were: (1). Developing existing industries such as the oil and oil, fertilizer industry, gas industry, and coal mining businesses; (2). Developing and developing agricultural -based industries with an economic scale approach and industrial cluster.

Industrial cluster approach is also used by the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan in an effort to change the economic structure of production from just exporters of raw materials, to exporters of finished materials/processed (final/processed products) which have competitiveness (Competitiveness) nilah added (value added) and able to provide more significant multiplier effects for sustainable welfare (sustainable welfare) .

To answer the challenges above the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan has compiled a policy that began the development slogan "Building East Kalimantan for all" Ultimate Development Objectives, Inclusive and Fair Development aimed at improving the welfare of the people of East Kalimantan, without distinguishing ethnicity, religion , political parties and others.

The Vision of East Kalimantan Bangkit 2013 is to realize East Kalimantan as a "Agro -Industry and Energy Center for Prosperous and Prosperous Communities", has three regional development agendas, namely: (1). Creating a safe, democratic and peaceful East Kalimantan supported by a clean and authoritative government; (2). Realizing the economy of regional competitive and pro -people; (4). Improve the quality of human resources and people's welfare.

With the vision of East Kalimantan Bangkit 2013, the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan chose a strategy to shift the economic structure of the utilization of natural resources that cannot be renewed to the economic building based renewable resources, from the exporter of raw materials into exporters of finished material /Processed (final/processed product) that is competitive (competitiveness), has added (value added) and is able to provide more multiplier effects significant for the welfare of the people and sustainable (sustainable wealth).

The National Seminar and Lokarya of East Kalimantan Natural Resources Management Smart (Smart) for the maximum welfare of the community based on local wisdom for cooperation between the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and the Lemhanas Kra 25 of 1992 Family Association at Gran Senyiur Hotel Balikpapan starting at 09.00 Wita and closed at 17.00 WITA. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).

Photo: 1. Governor of the Lemhanas Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Susilo Soepandji, Dea opened a National Seminar and Workshop on Natural Resources Management in East Kalimantan Province with the Governor of East Kalimantan, Dr.H. Awang Faroek Ishak; 2. The Governor of East Kalimantan is discussing non -formal with Panlima Kodam VI/Mulawarman, Maj. Gen. Dicky W Usman before the opening ceremony of the seminar; 3. Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda, Dr.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS together with the Governor of East Kalimantan, East Kalimantan Province Secretary, and Head of East Kalimantan Youth and Sports Agency and other officials were talking before the event began; 4. Participants in the Seminar and Workshop Management of East Kalimantan SDA in the Gran Senyiur Hotel Meeting Room Balikpapan.