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Bappeda Kaltim Holds the 2013 SKPD Forum

Samarinda, 25/3/13. The 2014 East Kalimantan program must be measurable, output, outcame and impact as well as the benefits or benefits that can be felt by 1a
<p> This was revealed by the Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, Dr.H. Irianto Lambrie when giving directions as well as opening the 2013 East Kalimantan Regional Work Unit Forum (SKPD) for the preparation of the initial planning plan for the 2014 East Kalimantan Province Regional Development Plan in the third floor of the Bappeda East Kalimantan Bappeda Renstra Meeting Room, Jl. Kusuma Bangsa Number 2 Samarinda. </p>
<p> The forum participants were attended by participants of approximately two hundred and fifty people consisting of all officials and staff in the scope of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and all Regency/City Bappeda in East Kalimantan. </p>
<p> While the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Dr.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS submits a report on the holding of the SKPD forum in the framework of the preparation of the 2014 East Kalimantan Development Work. </p>
<p> In accordance with the report of the Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda that the series of discussion processes in the initial RKPD (Regional Development Work Plan) in 2014 before the implementation of the East Kalimantan Province Musrenbang that was carried out by the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda included: (1). Bappeda report cards in East Kalimantan in Tarakan City on 6-7 February 2013; (2). Submission of the initial draft of the 2014 East Kalimantan RKPD in Samarinda, 4 Mare 2013; (3). Entry Proposed Program/SKPD Activities in East Kalimantan on 7 to March 13, 2013; (4). Verification of the 2014 SKPD Renja Draft in Samarinda on March 14-15, 2013; (5). East Kalimantan Development Priority Coordination Meeting in Samarinda on 18 to March 19, 2013 in the form of a Priority Program/Priority Activity Agreement in 2014; (6). Public Consultation in the 3rd Floor Meeting Room Unmul Samarinda Rectorate on March 22, 2013 with the aim of absorbing academic aspirations, practitioners/professional organizations, community leaders in the sharpening of priority programs in 2014, and today 25/3/13 implementation of the SKPD Forum in East Kalimantan Bappeda In the framework of the preparation of the 2014 East Kalimantan RKPD. <img style =

according to Law No. 17/2003 concerning State Finance, Law No.25/2004 concerning the National Development Planning System and Law No. 32/2004 concerning Regional Government has mandated the improvement of the national planning and budgeting system, both in aspects of the process and mechanism as well as the stages of the implementation of planning deliberations at the central and regional levels. In connection with that, to prepare a 2014 Regional Development Work Plan (RKPD), which functions as an annual planning document, the Regional Government needs to hold a Development Planning Deliberation Forum (Musrenbang) which is a forum for a shelter and selection of community aspirations, and the business world (stakeholders) , to improve the 2014 SKPD Renja SKPD policy design.

This shows in the planning approach to using the top planning system based on the principle of democracy and decentralization. In the process of preparing the 2014 SKPD Renja Implementation of Public Consultation is separated between regencies/cities and provinces. The 2013 SKPD Forum was carried out in stages, starting from the village/kelurahan, sub -district/city level to the provincial level, including the holding of the Regional Work Unit Forum (SKPD Forum) at the provincial, district and city level.

SKPD Forum is the beginning in preparation for the implementation of the Provincial Annual Development Planning Deliberation involving development actors in the regencies and cities within the scope of the provincial government. The Provincial SKPD Forum discusses the Provincial SKPD Renja Draft using program priorities and activities produced from the Regency/City Musrenbang, as material for perfecting the Provincial SKPD RENJA design, which is facilitated by the relevant SKPD.

Purpose of the SKPD Forum The purpose of the SKPD forum and or the 2013 SKPD Joint Forum (according to Article 145 Permendagri Number 54 of 2010) is: a. Aligning the Provincial SKPD programs and activities with the proposed programs and activities of the Regency /City Musrenbang;
b. Sharpen the indicators and performance targets of the Provincial SKPD programs and activities in accordance with the tasks and functions of the SKPD;
c. Harmonize programs and activities between provincial SKPDs in order to optimize the achievement of targets in accordance with the authority and synergy of the implementation of regional development priorities; and
D. Adjusting priority program funding and activities based on indicative ceiling for each provincial SKPD.

The 2013 Provincial SKPD Forum discussed the 2014 Provincial SKPD Renja Draft with input from the Regency/City Musrenbang or the 2013 Regency/City SKPD Forum, as an effort to perfect the 2014 Provincial SKPD Renja Draft.

The 2014 Provincial SKPD Renja Draft Results of the 2013 Provincial SKPD Forum, became the material for updating the 2014 Provincial RKPD design to be discussed in the 2013 Provincial RKPD Musrenbang.

4._PESTERA Input (SKPD Forum and or SKPD Joint Forum)

The materials prepared in the holding of the SKPD forum and or the 2013 SKPD joint forum are:
a. From regencies /cities:
• List of priority programs and development activities for the results of the 2013 Regency and City Musrenbang, based on funding sources (Provincial APBD according to the Provincial SKPD and APBN /Ministry of Initiatives).
• List of Proposed Programs and Cross -Regency and City Activities in 2014 • Input on the initial draft of the 2014 Provincial RKPD.

b. From the provinces:
• The results of the evaluation of the performance of the SKPD Renja implementation in the previous year.
c. Draft Renja SKPD 2014 d. List of Indicative Budget Allocation for each SKPD.

Output (SKPD Forum Results and or SKPD Joint Forum) produced are:
a) Provincial SKPD Renja Draft containing the SKPD regulatory framework and budget framework. b) List of Priority Programs and Activities According to Funding Sources (Provincial APBD and APBN/BLN) compiled according to regencies and cities. Furthermore, the priority programs and activities are informed to each district and city by the Regency and City Delegation.

(Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).