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East Kalimantan TKPK Technical Coordination Meeting

Samarinda, 7/18/13. Head of Human Resources Development, Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Drs. Hariyo Santoso chaired the coordination meeting Technical TKPK (Poverty Reduction Coordination Team) East Kalimantan Province in the Meeting Room of Basic Floor Pattern of Bappeda Kaltim, Jl. Kusuma Bangsa Number 2 Samarainda together with speakers from the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Directorate General of Community and Village Empowerment; Resource persons from the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia Secretariat of Vice President; Resource persons from the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia; Resource persons from PT. Indonesian post; Resource persons from TNP2K; Resource persons from Jamkesmas East Kalimantan Province; Resource persons from the East Kalimantan Divre Bulog and resource persons from the East Kalimantan BPS, attended by participants from all SKPD scope of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan and Bappeda Regency in East Kalimantan totaling approximately one hundred people.

the chair of the meeting as well as the moderator, Drs. Hariyo Santoso gave the first opportunity to the resource person from the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia Secretariat of the President with the title of the Exposure "Program for Acceleration and Expansion of Social Protection (P4S) and Participation of Social Protection Card (KPS).

In its presentation agenda there are three main agendas, namely the first acceleration and expansion of social protection (P4S), the second social protection card (KPS) and third handling of membership.

Social Protection and Expansion Program (P4S) includes: 1). To maintain the purchasing power of the poor as a result of the fuel subsidy policy, the acceleration and expansion of 3 social protection programs that have been implemented by the government have been implemented regularly, as well as the BLSM special compensation program and the acceleration of infrastructure development; 2). P4S is carried out using a Social Protection Card (KPS) distributed to poor and vulnerable households; 3). P4S includes: a). Rice subsidies for low -income communities (Raskin); b). Family Hope Program (PKH); c). Poor Student Assistance (BSM); d). Temporary Direct Assistance of the Community (BLSM).

Exposure to the resource person from the East Kalimantan Divre Bulog with the title of the Rice Distribution Program for the Poor (Raskin) in East Kalimantan Province.

Purpose of the 2013 Regular Raskin Program

The 2013 regular rice distribution program (Raskin) in East Kalimantan Province aims to reduce the burden of target household expenses (RTS) through the fulfillment of some of the staple food needs in the form of rice.

Target of the 2013 Raskin Regular Program

While the target of the 2013 regular Raskin program is a reduced expenditure burden of 147,718 RTS in meeting the food needs of rice through the distribution of subsidized rice as much as 15kg/RTS/month or equivalent /kg net at the distribution point (TD). (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).

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