
Sunday, 29 November 2020



82483 kali dilihat

Kalimantan Connectivity and Energy

Jakarta, 20/9 /13. Building commitment and togetherness of the Heads of Bappeda Provinces throughout Kalimantan or their representatives to maintain the existence and future of the Forum Coordination Accelerated Revitalization _1a.rapat_sekber_kalimantan_htl_pandurata_jkt_20_sep_13Kalimantan Regional Development (FKRP2RK) is the result of a Joint Secretariat meeting (Sekber FKRP2RK) led by the Head of the Regional Development Assessment and Financing Division, Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Ir .H. Djoko Susilo Handono in the meeting room of Sengata Hotel Blue Sky Pandurata, Jl. Raden Saleh No. 12 Jakarta was attended by Bappeda of South Kalimantan Province, Bappeda of Central Kalimantan Province, while Bappeda of West Kalimantan Province was unable to attend.

In addition to the joint commitment of the Heads of Bappeda Provinces throughout Kalimantan/representatives, they also discussed FKRP2RK activity plans for 2014, including: 1. The 2014 Kalimantan Regional Musrenbang with the theme "Accelerating the Completion of Kalimantan Regional Connectivity and Energy Fulfillment" at the end of February 2014 presented the President of the Republic of Indonesia with The main agenda includes; (a). Pre-Regional Musrenbang which will discuss the discussion desk for proposed programs/activities in 2015 with the relevant ministries, evaluate programs/activities in 2014 and strengthen preparations for the implementation of the Regional Musrenbang; (b). Regional Musrenbang with activities including the delivery of proposals for the main activities of the island of Kalimantan (Connectivity and Energy) continued sgreeting and pbriefing of the President of the Republic of Indonesia and holding a meeting with < /span>Head of Bappeda throughout Kalimantan (follow-up to the President's briefing) and finally the closing; 2. Road Show to the Ministry following up on the results of the 2014 Kalimantan Regional Musrenbang< span style="font-family: 'Arial Narrow', sans-serif;">; 3. 2014 FKRP2RK Evaluation.

While tis related to financing from the implementation of the Kalimantan Regional Pre- and Musrenbang including North Kalimantan respectively is incontribution of Rp. 75,000,000,- (seventy-five million rupiah) for financing requirements facilitation to the secretariat with FKRP2RK 2014.

Meanwhile, before the implementation of the Regional Musrenbang throughout Kalimantan in 2014, the following were discussed: 1). MeRegional Musrenbang mechanism, namely Pre-Regional Musrenbang < /span>Discussion of the Proposal was held at the regional level (Agreement of 4 Provincial Bappeda Heads throughout Kalimantan) and related SKPD on month January 2014 and Pre-Regional Musrenbang Day I with a Focus on Finalizing Proposals to the Government through the Central Government Joint Desk mechanism; 2). In an effort to ensure that the proposed Programs/Activities are included in the 2014-2018 RPJMN, it is necessary to hold a meeting between the Heads of Bappeda throughout Kalimantan facilitated by the Regional Deputy of Bappenas attended by SKPD and related Ministries (PU, ESDM, Transportation and Coordinating Ministry for the Economy) on Tuesday 12 November 2013, including the material discussed is material for Proposed Program/Activity Agreements resulting from the 2013 Regional Musrenbang to be included in the 2015-2019 RPJMN and before the meeting on 12 November 2013 in Jakarta, it was agreed to hold a meeting at the level of Heads of Bappeda throughout Kalimantan including North Kalimantan as observers with alternative locations in Pontianak, West Kalimantan or Bogor at the end of October 2013 with the agenda: a). Building the commitment and togetherness of the Heads of Provincial Bappeda throughout Kalimantan to maintain the existence and future of FKRP2RK; b). Discussed preparations for the meeting with the central government on 12 November 2013, including following up on proposals from the Regional Musrenbang to be included in the 2015-2019 RPMN Ranwal; c). The 2013 FKRP2RK Work Evaluation is planned to be carried out in Bali in early December 2013 for 2 (two) days by inviting the Sumatra Island Regional Cooperation Forum with the agenda of the 2013 FKRP2RK Activity Evaluation Meeting, the agenda contents of which include the 2013 Activity Realization Report, Evaluation of the implementation of activities and activity plans for 2014 as well as a presentation from the Sumatra Island Regional Cooperation Forum with the topic "Managing Regional Regional Development Cooperation Sumatra.”

The joint meeting between Bappeda Provinces throughout Kalimantan started at 13.30 and ended at 17.30 WITA with the results of the discussion being jointly signed and officially closed by the chairman of the meeting. (Sukandar, S.Sos/Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Bappeda).
