Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Cross -Kalimantan Priority Infrastructure
samarinda, 1/10/13. Improvement of infrastructure in the context of accelerating the completion of connectivity and fulfillment of regional energy of Kalimantan to
The current FKRP2RK activity is to prepare for the follow -up of the Musrenbang and carry out coordination with the center, especially Bappenas related to the prospects of the proposal. If the Coordination Meeting of 5 Governors can be carried out, then one of the agenda of the forum secretariat has been held, so that only one meeting agenda is a year -end evaluation meeting in early December 2013. Said Head of P3D Bappeda East Kalimantan.
In accordance with the direction of the BPK Governor as a follow-up to the Regional Musrenbang, a Governor's Working Meeting in Kalimantan will be held including Kaltara with the material "Keduan Food and Energy" and infrastructure support. Presenting invitations from the center, among others: 1). Coordinating Minister for the Economy 2). Defense Minister; 3). Agricultural sun; 4). Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources; 5. Minister of Public Works; 6. Minister of Transportation; 7. Bappenas; 8. BPPT (related to innovation and superior seeds); 9). BATAN (BAPETAN); 10). PLN; 11 Pelindo.
Invitation, planned as many as 600 people, consisting of: 1). Related ministry; 2). All Governor of Kalimantan; 3). Provincial SKPD related to all Kalimantan; 4). SKPD Regency/City in East Kalimantan; 5). Etc.
Material and Theme: Proposed Meeting: In the coordination meeting it should still be consistent and focused on the theme of the Kalimantan Regional Musrenbang 17 April 2013, namely related to "connectivity and energy in Kalimantan". With the output so that the 2013 Kalimantan Regional Musrenbang proposal certainly can be accommodated in RMJMN 2014-2018. This is very right considering that the central government through Bappenas is currently preparing a background study for the 2014-2018 RPJMN. (Sukandar, S. Sos/Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim).