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Governor of East Kalimantan Install 270 Officials

Samarinda, Governor-Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan for the 2013-2018 period Dr.H. Awang Faroek Ishak - H.M Mukmin Faisyal, at the beginning of the period governor_kaltim_lantik_270_pinan_web

Echelon II, III and IV officials in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government were inaugurated and taken by Governor Awang Faroek Ishak at the Sempaja Stadium Multipurpose Building in Samarinda, Friday (12/20/2013).

Awang said the mutation of the position of a normal thing which is a process in the bureaucracy. With new positions and in new environments, it is expected to improve performance and achievement, with the hope of improving the quality of services to the community.

"A true civil servant will not choose to be placed in certain positions. Wherever the position and place of work, ready to be implemented. We must work sincerely and unconditionally," he said.

Awang revealed that the mutation car will continue along with the vacant position because it has been abandoned by officials who retire or move to assignments.

In addition, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government through Baperjakat (Position and Rank Advisory Agency) will continue to supervise and evaluate echelon officials.

"If not able to run it, we will replace it. Not only for new ones but also the old one. For that, the position given must be well received and with gratitude. Continue to improve performance and as a leader must be able to work together (teamwork) and can also protect subordinates, "he explained.

The Governor hopes that in starting the term of office with the Deputy Governor, all echelon I, II, III and IV officials both in East Kalimantan and Regency/City can understand together what the development targets must be achieved. (Source: Antara).

While the mutation in the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda environment consisted of 8 people who consisted of promotional staff to become echelon IV as many as 3 (three) people, namely: 1. H.Buyung Dodi Gunawan, ST, MM Originally Implementing Staff for Household Affairs General Echelon IV Promotion Secretariat as Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Secretariat Program Planning Subdivision; 2. Hj. Rahmawati, SE, MT Originally Implementing Staff in the Regional Development Assessment and Financing, East Kalimantan Province Bappeda received echelon IV promotion at the East Kalimantan Province Manpower and Transmigration Office; 3. Berlin Friniko. S, SEHP IMPLEMENTATION STAFFS The field of study and financing regional development, promotion to echelon IV as Head of the Business Development Sub -Division, Tourism and Culture, Economy. While the original promotion of echelon IV to echelon III is Parsaoran Saur. T, S.Pi, MEMD at the East Kalimantan Provincial Trade and Cooperative Office.

While echelon IV mutations include: 1. Dra. Hj. AH. Yone May, M.Si was originally echelon IV as Head of the General Subdivision of Mutation to the Setwilda Social Bureau of East Kalimantan Province; 2. Ir. Akhmad Huzairin was originally echelon IV as the Head of the Development Control Sub -Sector, Statistics and Development Control, Mutation to the Head of the General Subdivision; 3. Charmarijaty, ST originally the Head of the Sub -Division of People's Welfare, the Field of Human Resources Development Mutation to the Head of Development Control Sub Division, Statistics and Development Control Field; 4. Ir. Surono was originally the Head of the Mutation Program Planning Sub Division as the Head of the People's Welfare Sub -Division, the Field of Human Resources Development. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).

Photo: The Governor of East Kalimantan, Dr.H.Awang Faroek Ishak inaugurated 270 Echelon II, III and IV officials at the Sempaja Stadium Multipurpose Building in Samarinda, Friday 12/20/2013. (Source: