
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



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2014 script socialization

Samarinda, 7/1/14 . Plh. Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Si chaired the 2014 official manuscript socialization meeting in the meeting room of the pattern _ 1a People. </p>
<p> As a guest speaker about the 2014 official manuscript is Syaiful Umar Head of the Management of the Organization Bureau, Setwilda of East Kalimantan Province. </p>
<p> In his presentation the resource person said that the importance of official manuscripts in an institution or office in the framework of the horizontal and vertical communication process so that knowledge was needed about the procedures for administrative management in each institution. </p>
<p> Based on the Regulation of the Governor of East Kalimantan Number 40 of 2010 concerning the Provisions of the Office Manuscript within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government Environment has been explained clearly about the management of administration from staff to the signing of the regional head. </p>
<p> Participants who attended simply gave excellent appreciation to the official manuscript in order to increase the knowledge of each individual from each field in the scope of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province. </p>
<p> Knowledge of official manuscripts is needed by each individual as both as a leader and for a staff to facilitate the work in each office or office. </p>
<p> There is one thing that is very interesting in the delivery of the material of the resource person to give questions to Flor and for those who can answer, they are given a rewod or prize in the form of a brooch bearing the Korpri logo, in this case the prize is the Head of Government and Bappeda East Kalimantan, Siti Sugiyanti, SE., M.Sc and Head of the General Subdivision of Ir. Akhmad Huzairin. </p>
<p> Resource persons in delivering exposure can be easily understood because they provide examples that have happened before. (Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S. Sos). </p>
<p> <img style = _ 3._PESTERA_Socialisation