
Monday, 30 November 2020



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Data & Information for Development

Balikpapan, Monday 9/6/14. The Governor of East Kalimantan Dr.H.Awang Faroek Ishak was represented by the Head of the Central Statistics Agency of East Kalimantan Province, Aden Gultom delivered a speech as well as opening the synchronization and consolidation of development data in East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan in 2014 at the Ball Room of the Pacific Hotel, Jalan Jenderal Achmad Yani Balikpapan City was attended by Deputy Mayor of Balikpapan, BPS Republic of Indonesia, SKPD of East Kalimantan Province and SKPD Regency SKPD /Cities in East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan are approximately 75 people.

The 2014 East Kalimantan Development Data Synchornization and Consolidation event with the theme "Building 'One Data One Map' in order to realize economic competitiveness based on natural resources and environmentally friendly energy ', begins with the welcome dance presented by the Department of Administration , Sports, Culture and Tourism of the City of Balikpapan, then continued with the reading of the prayer continued singing the song Indonesia Raya, then the submission of the Penitia Chairperson was delivered by the Head of Bappeda Balikpapan, Drs.H. Deputy Mayor of Balikpapan, Heru Bambang and finally the remarks of the Governor of East Kalimantan as well as opening the event.
In the remarks of the Governor of East Kalimantan read by the Head of East Kalimantan BPS stated that the synchronization and consolidation meeting of development data in East Kalimantan in 2014 was an important and strategic agenda organized Simultaneously in the process of synchronizing and updating statistical data.

With this meeting, it is expected to produce a recommendation for improvement, improvement of regional statistical data arrangements, both basic statistics and sectoral statistics in the Provincial and Regency/City Governments for the Development of the East Kalimantan and Sustainable Development. Said the Governor of East Kalimantan.

Year 2014 as the beginning of my leadership in the second period served as Governor of East Kalimantan, has been launched as an era of performance, where measurable performance must be the main reference for governance going forward, from the planning, implementation, evaluation to reporting stages. For this reason, in 2015 and subsequently the achievement of government performance both at the provincial and district/city levels as a cumulative achievement of SKPD performance must be further improved.

In order to achieve good development performance, the support and active participation of all people of East Kalimantan, especially to the provincial and district SKPD in East Kalimantan, therefore the determination and declaration of "era of performance" must be measurable, and integrated in managing development problems. Integration means that intensive coordination is needed across sectors, coordination between government levels; Including the Provincial SKPD with Regency/City SKPD according to problems in the government affairs it is handled. Measurement to determine the effectiveness of bureaucracy handle various problems as well as accountability for the community. 3._KABID_STADAL_DAN =

For this reason, the provincial and district/city governments must always have a trusted, valid, valid, updated database with a fast information system, so that the implementation of development related to the technical institution can be measured directly and the target of achievement is known. This is in line with one of the stages in the preparation of these documents in the form of data and information in accordance with Permendagri 54/2010, and is the mandate of Law No. 16/1997 concerning Statistics where the sectoral statistics are carried out by the Regional Government through the SKPD (sector) while the basic statistics are provided By BPS. The availability of valid data is one of the main variables that determine the success of development, both at the planning, process and evaluation of development. This is because accurate data is very instrumental in the planning stage so that it can identify the needs and problems faced by the community. While at the process of the data process is useful as infuting in development. Whereas at the evaluation phase, data is able to act as an indicator of development achievements that have been carried out.

As implementing development, the regional government should collect and inventory all data and information needed for development. Each Regional Work Unit (SKPD) must have an updated database.

The current development is marked by the increasing importance of information and data processing in various aspects. At the same time the public demand for improving government performance has become higher. Good data and information management in the end is a necessity for the government. We need to know that the lack of data in quantity or quality will not produce an in -depth analysis of a problem and will not be strong enough if used as material for decision making or planning. Understanding the data needed and the source of the acquisition of the data, must be identified as something very important.

East Kalimantan said President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is no longer a giant who sleeps, but instead runs fast. To maintain its speed, we need the right development program supported by fast performance. Therefore, we need accurate data support to be right on target. Awareness of high data requirements from time to time should be an alarm for all of us to hurry data provision. Related to its collection, given the rapid development of technology today is very easy for us to coordinate with each other. Do not let the sectoral data needed for the preparation and implementation of development programs that are right on target and able to touch to remote areas are difficult to obtain both from the central and regional government levels.

4._PESTERA If the data is available, the next task is updating data as a form of accuracy of information. Right now the era is fast and right. If the data obtained is not updated and accurate, the work program that is compiled and implemented by the government will be hampered and leads to failure. Of course we don't want it to happen in East Kalimantan Province. This is our shared responsibility, do not let development in East Kalimantan slow just because of the slow flow of data information. For this reason, we must continue to build communication and coordination related to updating this data.

To support the implementation of integrated and measurable development in achieving good governance performance, data and map support is needed and always updated. Therefore, the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan in collaboration with the Geospatial Information Agency has developed a One Map One Data program, it is hoped that on January 1, 2015 a reliable system will be available in managing data and becomes a referral for the implementation of development both in the provinces and cities, including in carry out evaluation of development results.

The purpose we want to achieve from the One Map One Data System is to have an accurate, centralized and integrated development database, so that an appropriate, actual, quality, quality and accounting policy analysis is produced for the provinces, districts/cities and stakeholders interests.
with the construction of a one map one data system, it is expected to produce measurable and comprehensive development planning, which in turn makes it easier for us to carry out control, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of trusted development, besides facilitating data exchange between SKPDs and also useful for the public

The audience that I respect,
East Kalimantan Province was faced with various challenges including: 1. In accordance with the projection of the population by BPS RI, the population of Prov. East Kalimantan in 2015 amounted to 4.07 million people and in 2020 amounted to 4.56 million. From the population of 2010 the census results of 3.58 million people, besides that life expectancy reached 74.7 years, on the other hand the population was more concentrated in the city of 68.9 %, this demanded the Provincial Government to: A . Provide educational services, health and skills development. 5._panitia
b. Population and family planning.
c. Economic policies that support the flexibility of labor and markets.
2. Increased food supply along with an increase in demand because the population increases, 3. The high development gap between districts /cities where the highest donors of GRDP are only in urban areas.
4. Provision of energy in the context of growing modern economic activities. Without energy, economic activities will be paralyzed and will eventually die.
5. Fulfillment of infrastructure in the framework of connectivity between production centers, industry and outlets.
6. In the next five years there is a tendency for regional income from the balance fund to decrease. This is due to decreased oil and gas production.

Seeing the various challenges that exist, "One Data One Map" that will be built contains various information will be presented and mapped, among others: -Potential and distribution of population;
-Distribution of Agricultural Land, Plantation , mining and other natural resources;
-transportation networks;
-the development of growth and development centers;
-reliable infrastructure; -8 Main Economic Development Areas.

At the end of his remarks the Governor of East Kalimantan hopes that with the mapping of various information, it will produce an in -depth analysis to solve all development problems and challenges in East Kalimantan as material for decision making or future planning as an effort to realize economic competitiveness based on natural resources and environmentally friendly energy. (Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S. Sos). Doc Photo: Sukandar, S. Sos