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The concept of green economic development

Balikpapan. The concept of GRDP (Gross Regional Domistic Product) Green provides an opportunity for areas that have abundant natural resources for

One form in the presentation of development indicators in accordance with the principle of environmentally friendly development is the concept of green GRDP. More comprehensive indicators are summarized in the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA), which is also contained in green GRDP. Implementation of SEEA in Indonesia in the form of environmental balance sheet systems. With the implementation of the concept of green GRDP is expected to be able to encourage the more balanced distribution of benefits between the center and the region and can drive the active participation of the community in development. For East Kalimantan we have set the concept of green GRDP in the 2014-2018 RPJMD through the indicator of the intensity of emissions that will see how much CO2 emissions (tons) per million US $ GRDP produced.

The concept of green economic development not only calculates the results to be obtained but also takes into account the impact it will cause or how much environmental costs to be borne. Environmental -minded development policies not only save the present generation but also save future generations as well as the management of wise natural resources by taking into account the impact that will be caused can save the present generation and the next generation.

"The importance of we carry out economic transformation indicates the economic structure supported by the economic sector based on renewable natural resources" and "because we have committed to carrying out development that applies the concept of green economy, is not excessive if we can calculate the rate of economic growth and GRDP Not only calculating the economic output of the sector, but must also calculate the environmental costs it caused ". Said the Governor of East Kalimantan. The East Kalimantan Provincial Government received the mandate as the organizer of the 2014 Regional Consultation Meeting (Konreg) in Kalimantan in Balikpapan City, 16 to 18 June 2014 in accordance with the results of the 2013 Kalimantan Regional Economic Analysis Meeting in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan Province. < /P>

Implementation of Regional Consultation Meeting (Konreg) in the 2014 Kalimantan with the theme "Through Increasing the Synergy of Development Planning Data in Kalimantan We realize the economy based on agro -industry and environmentally friendly energy" attended by participants of approximately 350 people from the SKPD related to the scope of the Provincial Government East, South Kalimantan Province, Central Kalimantan Province, West Kalimantan Province and North Kalimantan Province. Objectives that we want to achieve through the 2014 Konreg are the availability of accurate economic analysis produced through discussion between sectors and between provinces in Kalimantan. In -depth analysis related to the economic indicators we will use as input in determining regional development policies and strategies. Furthermore, we can conclude and follow up on economic strategic issues and development in Kalimantan to accelerate the development of the island of Kalimantan.

Rakonreg agreement GRDP in Kalimantan 2014

1. Strengthening the coordination and cooperation between BPS, Bappeda /Regional Government, Bank Indonesia, Higher Education and other institutions both Inter and between Regional In Kalimantan in order to socialize and formulate economic, social and policy indicators to realize the economy based on agro -industry and environmentally friendly energy;
2. The 2015 Konreg theme and Material refers to the Government Work Plan (RKP) for the current year;
3. Arranging Borneo statistics routinely with standard formats that contain agreed indicators so that they can be utilized to carry out evaluation of local government development performance in each province;
4. Strengthening cooperation in the preparation of Interregional Input Output (IRIO) to support business cooperation, inter -regional and intra -regional connectivity, and the development of the national logistics system; 5. Socializing and encouraging the use of the 2009 Indonesian Field Standard Classification (KBLI) and the 2012 Indonesian Commodity Standard Classification (KBKI);
6. BPS RI as a facilitator in the formulation of the draft points is conreging and will distribute to each province;
7. Implementation of the 2015 Kalimantan Regional GRDP consultation meeting in Central Kalimantan Province. Participants in the 2015 GRDP Konreg will finance their respective official trips and accommodations.

Recommendations Rakonreg GRDP in Kalimantan 2014

1. To realize quality development planning and effective development control, it requires an accurate, up -to -date, up -to -date, complete, complete, accountable, dynamic, reliable, and sustainable and sustainable Kalimantan development data Utilize and socialize the results of the 2013 Agricultural Census to the maximum as a baseline data to explore the new indicators of the potential of the plant and plantation plant sectors;
3. System of Environmental Economics Accounting (SEEA) The framework that integrates economic and environmental activities needs to be prepared in order to obtain macro indicators to measure the progress of sustainable economic development; 4. Bappeda in the Kalimantan region is expected to develop appropriate plans and strategies in developing sectors that are high -valued products, high demand and high productivity;
5. It is necessary to explore the potential of renewable energy supported by government policies in anticipating the availability of increasingly depleted natural resources; 6. Joint Secretariat of the Regional Consultation Forum in Kalimantan is a secretariat consisting of cross-provincial and sectoral members in Kalimantan. As the coordinator is the province of the host of the coming GRDP Konreg, which is assigned to: a). Coordinate data collection according to the theme of the kongeg; b). Gather the development of the current year's agreement; c). Distribute these results to kongeg participants.
7. Need to reformulate the scope and name of the Konreg Forum which is not only limited to GRDP. Therefore, BPS-RI will provide input to the coverage of the Konreg Forum in the future.

Other Important Items Rakonreg GRDP in Kalimantan 2014

1. High economic growth is not the only development goal, because growth must be quality, inclusive and fair. Economic growth must answer the problem of poverty, unemployment and crucial inequality and potentially cause problems in the future;
2. GDP/GRDP does not answer the issue of sustainability requires other indicators that integrate environmental impacts in GDP/GRDP (Green GDP). Green GDP /GRDP is the responsibility of all ministries and agencies;
3. Encourage and accelerate development and equitable development of development with a maximum of the changes in a healthy and sustainable economic structure;
4. Building Kalimantan Regional Competitiveness through Kalimantan Economic Transformation Based on economic advantages and potential through the development of the existence industry, the development of palm -based industries, rubber, rattan, pepper, timber, shrimp, fish and seaweed and reinvestment of income from natural resources to build infrastructure and HR who support MP3EI's main economic activities in the Kalimantan corridor;
5. The not realized intra -regional connectivity of Kalimantan, energy security and food security are problems faced by the provinces in Kalimantan;
6. Kalimantan has not been able to rely on the contribution of the food plant sector as an economic base due to natural conditions that are less supportive to increase the production of food crop commodities, so that the need for food is still dependent on other provinces outside Kalimantan. The contribution that is expected to be accelerated in the next five years and can be used as a basis for the growth of the Borneo Agricultural Economic Economic is the plantation sector, especially oil palm and the oil palm processing industry;
7. Some agricultural economic growth strategies that can be adopted must focus on food, evidence based policy making, increasing the role of professional organizations in agriculture, increasing the allocation of resources and development, increasing the role of the private sector in agricultural innovation, and penel of agricultural entrepreneur > 8. The decline in the role of the Kalimantan economy towards the national can be caused by a decrease in the role of Kalimantan itself or the role of the economy of other islands that grow faster than Kalimantan;
9. The current GRDP only calculates economic performance, has not reflected the level of welfare and assets used to produce output. Natural resources are still regarded as gifts of God not as natural assets, so it is necessary to build macro indicators as a complement to GRDP to measure the progress of sustainable development;
10. Policies and regulations are needed regulating the use and distribution of energy in Kalimantan so that the problems encountered such as the phenomenon of shipping the good apple out and the curse of natural resources can be minimized.

Progress Agreement 2013

Some agreements in 2013 have been carried out in several provinces but are still partially not integrated between provinces and part of the agreement need further study due to multiinterpretation. (Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S. Sos).