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Discussion of KUA-PPAS East Kalimantan 2015

Samarinda, 6/26/14. Plh. Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda and Secretary of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Ir.H. Nazrin, M.Si opened 1c._rapat_petation_kua-ppas Event Discussion of Budget General Policy (KUA) - Priority and Temporary Budget Ceiling (PPAS) of East Kalimantan Province in 2015 in the Second Floor Propeda Meeting Room of East Kalimantan Province, Jln. Kesuma Bangsa No. 2 Samarinda.

h. Nazrin was accompanied by the Head of the Regional Development Assessment and Financing Division of East Kalimantan Province, Ir.H. Djoko Susilo Handono and representing the Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Setwilda Finance Bureau, Head of the Budget Section, Fahmi. The meeting participants attended by less than 40 people came from the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, the East Kalimantan Provincial Revenue Service and the East Kalimantan Setwilda Finance Bureau. Participants in the Special Meeting of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda include Head of Infrastructure and Regional Development, H. Hafidz Lahiya, SE., M.Sc; Head of Regional Development Assessment Sub -Division, Andi Arifuddin, S.Pi; Head of Regional Infrastructure Sub Division Ahmad Muzakkir, ST., M.Sc; Head of Subdivision of the H. Buyung Dodi Gunawan Program

In the delivery of PLH discussion. Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda together with the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Setwilda Budget, Fahmi and the Head of Regional Development Assessment and Financing, East Kalimantan Province Bappeda and the results of the discussion with the meeting participants produced several important points including:
1. KUA-PPAS Draft of East Kalimantan Province Percopa at the 2015 East Kalimantan Province RKPD that has been determined;
2. If there is a mismatch between the RKPD and KUA-PPAS compiled, it will be adjusted to the KUA-PPAS;
3. 2015 Revenue Projection of East Kalimantan Province amounting to Rp. 8.5 trillion and expenditure projections of Rp. 9.2 trillion, so there is still a deficit of around Rp. 700 billion;
4. While the 2016 revenue projection in East Kalimantan Province amounted to Rp. 8.9 trillion and expenditure projections of Rp. 9.5 trillion, so there is still a deficit of around Rp. 650 billion;
5. Preparing a budget for national events such as MTQ in 2015 which will be held in West Kutai and East Kalimantan Porprov in 2015;
6. Evaluate BLUD funds both from income and learning; 7. Re -evaluate the PAD, especially in profit sharing in districts /cities;
8. Preparing the Begawai Budget for Health (Alkes) in order to accommodate BPJS;
9. Re -evaluate financial assistance funds in regencies /cities;
10. Changes in assumptions in the APBD structure in RKPD can be changed in the discussion of KUA-PPAS in the framework of adjustments;
11. Regarding the profit sharing funds, the Governor Regulation is made, the regency /city revenue sharing fund;
12. Determination of the SKPD ceiling that has been determined in the 2015 RKPD must be guided if there is a SKPD that does not comply with the Pagus, the SKDP concerned is asked to make a statement;
13. Mandatory grant expenditure for the Mahulu Regency Election of Rp. 6 billion in accordance with Law Number 22 Year 2013 and Kaltara Province amounting to Rp. 50 m in accordance with Law Number 20 of 2007. (Public Relations Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan).