
Monday, 30 November 2020



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East Kalimantan SKPD Disaggregated Data Forum

Samarinda, Monday, 22/9/14. Head of the Women and Family Disaster Empowerment Agency, East Kalimantan Province, (BPPKB) Dra, Hj. Ardiningsih, 1a._ka_pemberdayaan_perempuan_20140922_092806MSi, opened the Facilitation event for the “SKPD Disaggregated Data Forum within the Kalimantan Provincial Government organized by the Gender Mainstreaming Working Group (PUG) of East Kalimantan Province in the Poladasar meeting room, BAPPEDA of East Kalimantan Province, Jln. Kusuma Bangsa No. 2 Samarinda, 22/9/14.

Hj. Ardiningsih, M.Si accompanied by the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Central Statistics Agency, Aden Gultom (right) and Ir. Sunipto, Head of Development Data Collection and Publication Division of the Riau Islands Province Bappeda (left) and attended by approximately 60 participants from 30 SKPDs within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.

In delivering his remarks and at the same time opening the event, he said that the importance of disaggregated data in planning programs and activities in each Regional Work Unit (SKPD) within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government is to ensure that the programs and activities of each SKPD are gender responsive.< /p>

In the speaker's presentation session, it was guided by the moderator, Head of the Education, Mental and Spiritual Sub-Division of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Ir.Hj. Hidayanti Darma, M.P with resource person Ir. Sunipto, Head of Division. Development Data Collection and Publication Bappeda Riau Islands Province delivered a presentation entitled "Implementation and Urgency of Availability of Disaggregated Data in Gender Mainstreaming PROGRAM".

In his presentation Ir. Sunipto said that to plan gender-responsive programs and activities, start by creating a format for program and activity planning. The presentation of resource material begins with data and facts, including:
1. Development must basically provide justice and prosperity to all people, both men and women, rich and poor;
2. There is still minimal involvement of women in the decision-making process;
3. Of the 20 ministers who led ministries in the 2009-2014 United Indonesia cabinet volume 2, there were 16 men and only 4 women;
4. Of every 100 village heads, there are around 95 men and only 5 women (Podes Statistics 2011);
5. In the political field, the role of women is still visible, namely that for every 100 members of the DPR for the 2009-2014 period, there were 82 men and 18 women;
6. The population of Indonesia was 237.6 million in 2011, around 49.63 percent were women or the sex ratio was 101.5 (2011 Social Welfare Statistics, BPS).

Gender Mainstreaming (PUG) and Disaggregated Data

PUG is a strategy built to integrate gender into an integral dimension of planning, preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of national development policies and programs.

PUG is aimed at achieving gender equality and justice which is an effort to uphold the rights of women and men to equal opportunities, equal recognition and equal respect in society.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish a mechanism for the formulation of gender-responsive policies and programs, namely programs carried out to accommodate the needs of men and women with the availability of SEPARATE DATA so that the interventions carried out can be right on target.

Disaggregated Data Definition

Disaggregated data and information based on sex (sex disaggregated data) is quantitative data or qualitative data/information that is collected and presented based on gender, male and female population or boys and girls.

Gender-disaggregated data are variables that have been disaggregated between men and women based on topics of discussion/matters of concern.

Disaggregated data and information describe the role and general conditions of men and women in every aspect of life in society, for example literacy rates, level of education completed, business ownership, employment opportunities, differences in wages, house and land ownership, as well as loans and other.

Purpose of Collecting Disaggregated Data

Is obtaining insight-opening information that can describe the conditions, needs, problems faced by women and men related to access, participation, control and benefits in development, thereby facilitating the planning and budgeting process for Gender Responsive development programs and activities.

Data can be sorted by Gender, Region, Time, Age group and Certain classifications. Data disaggregated by gender can be used as an EYE OPENER to determine whether there is a gender gap.

Data disaggregated according to how it was obtained

Data disaggregated according to the method of obtaining it is divided into three, namely: 1). Disaggregated Primary Data, data that is directly taken from research objects, data collection or surveys by individual researchers or organizations; 2). Disaggregated Secondary Data, disaggregated data obtained not directly from the field, because this data already exists and was collected by other parties using various means or methods; 3). Qualitative Data (Unmeasured/Attributes/Categories), data that is not in the form of numbers and/or data that records facts not in numerical/numerical form but in the form of categories which are more descriptive in nature.

Data is sorted according to type / form

Data disaggregated according to type/form is divided into 2, namely: 1). Quantitative Data (Measurable/Attribute/Category),
Data on an interval scale which is a quantitative number but does not have an absolute zero for example year, temperature, Data on a ratio scale which is a quantitative number which has an absolute zero for example wood production figures ; 2). Qualitative Data (Unmeasured/Attributes/Categories), Data that is not in the form of numbers and/or data that records facts not in numerical/numerical form but in the form of categories which are more descriptive in nature. (Public Relations of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province/Sukandar, S.Sos).