
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



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East Kalimantan Budget Optimization 2014

samarinda, 16/10/14. < /Strong> The absorption of the realization of the East Kalimantan Province APBD in 2014 received serious attention from the Acting Scope 1a /> Provincial Government of East Kalimantan. This was revealed at the Rapim Teppa (Budget Evaluation and Supervision Team) in East Kalimantan in the 4th Floor Luway Kersik Meeting Room Office of the East Kalimantan Education Office led by Plt. Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, Dr.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS and accompanied by Assistant I, Assistant III, Assistant IV, Head of the Finance Bureau, Head of the Program Preparation Bureau. </pan> </p>
<p style = Participants in the SKPD of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan and Officials SKPD related to approximately seventy people.

Plt. East Kalimantan Regional Secretary, Dr.Ir.H. said that to optimize the existing budget in accordance with the specified procedures so that the target of realizing the absorption of the development planning budget that has been prepared to achieve the set targets.

Rapim Teppa East Kalimantan produces an agreement, among others: < /Strong>

1. All SKPDs within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government agreed on the target of realization as of December 31, 2014 of 96% according to the TEPPA target in December.

2. The management function has not been effective, therefore it will soon be compiled by the rules of the game to improve the management system. Matters that are policy and breakthrough are the task of the Regional Leadership, while matters that are technical in managing activities must be completed by the Head of SKPD, as well as improving coordination in each assistant in formulating solutions related to the acceleration of realization, improvement of performance and follow-up forward.

3. All SKPDs in order to improve the implementation and supervision related to the TEPPA system to improve the performance of regional development, as well as re -complete the data in Teppa on line.

4. All SKPDs in order to be more focused on inventorying various problems and accelerating their solutions.

5. All SKPDs to examine the status of the implementation of the activity package until the end of the 2014 fiscal year and must be able to map (no later than Friday 31 October 2014 and submitted to the TEPPA Secretariat): a). Activities that can be completed; b). Unfinished activities; c). Activities that cannot be completed, but it is possible to be completed with an extension of 50 days (Pergub 71/2013).

6. For activities that are expected not to be completed until the end of the year which is not caused by external factors (government policies, natural disasters, force majeur, scarcity of raw materials) cannot be rationalized/optimized. The contract termination mechanism is carried out in accordance with the contract document.

7. All SKPDs so as not to delay the disbursement of funds, especially in work packages whose implementation has been completed.


(Photo: Public Relations Bappeda Province of Kalimantan/Sukandar, S. Sos). >