
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



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Kota Bontang Raai Pangripta Nusantara

Samarinda, 24/3/15. Bontang City Government in this case Bappeda Bontang City carve the best achievement in the 2015 development planning, namely 1a  </p>
<p> This achievement was obtained through a long process from the first and second stage of the delivery of the presentation of the Head of Bappeda who passed the first stage of assessment, namely Bontang City, Kutai Kartanegara Regency and East Kutai Regency. </p>
<p> The Bontang City Presentation was delivered by the Head of Bappeda, Ir. Zulkifli, MT by conveying the development planning process as outlined in the Bontang City RKPD in 2015, from the Kelurahan Musrenbang process, the District Musrenbang and the Bontang City Musrenbang by delivering various innovations in the planning process including the involvement of the Children's forum in the Kelurahan Musrenbang process, the sub -district to the District Musrenbang. </p>
While the presentation of Kutai Kartanegara Regency was delivered by the Head of Kukar Regency Bappeda, Totok Heru Subroto by delivering the presentation of the planning process from the Village Musrenbag, the District Musrenbang and the Kutai Kartanegara District Musrenbang, as well as the innovations that have been carried out from the website. </p>
<p> While the presentation of East Kutai Regency was delivered by the Head of East Kutai Regency Bappeda Ir. Suprihanto Ces delivered a presentation on the planning process carried out in East Kutai Regency at the 2015 RKPD which was interesting that the implementation of public consultation was not carried out, but was replaced by a coordination meeting involving the SKPD scope of Kutim Regency, the company, NGOs/Organizations and local community leaders. < /P>
<p> The assessment process carried out by the main assessment team led by Ir. Salman Lumoindong, MM Head of the Regional Development Bureau of Setwilda of Kalimantan Province. While the independent assessment team was led by Prof. Eny Rochaida from Mulawarman University. </p>
<p> Provincial Assessment Team Both Main Assessment Team and Independent Assessment Team Deliberate in the Renja Bappeda Meeting Room of East Kalimantan Province, Jalan Kusuma Bangsa Samarinda, 24/3/15 from 11.00 WITA to 2:00 pm West Indonesia Time Nusantara Regency/City in East Kalimantan in 2015 is the city of Bontong as the best. </p>
<p> <img style = 3._Pangripta Height = 4._Prestation_Kota_Bontang

(Public Relations Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan/Sukandar, S. Sos).