Wednesday, 23 November 2022
The top event of the Indonesia Development Forum (IDP) 2022
The top event of the Indonesian Development Forum (IDF) 2022 Acting Head of Bappeda Prov.Kaltim Mr. Yusliando, ST accompanied by the Functional Planning of the Young Expert Planning for Planning and Funding in Alfino Rinaldi Arief, ST, M.E attended the Peak Indonesia Development Forum (IDF) 2022 on November 22, 2022
This activity was organized by the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas to accommodate development practitioners in the public, private and non -profit sectors to meet, exchange ideas, and provide input for policy improvement.
This year IDF focuses on industrialization strategies that are expected to complement, strengthen, and increase the effectiveness of existing industrial development policies so as to be able to encourage social and economic transformation in Indonesia in realizing the vision of becoming a developed, fair and prosperous country.
The top event of IDF 2022 carries the theme "The 2045 Development Agenda: New Industrialization Paradigm for Indonesia’s Economic Transformation", which is expected to encourage new ideas of industrialization strategies, especially to create added value of production, improve the quality of human resources, and respond to the dynamics of global development and digitalization.
The top event of IDF 2022 lasted for two days with the first day format of IDF's Initiate and Marketplace Sessions which is a space of interaction between ideas and innovation developers and development stakeholders consisting of the government, private sector, community, and the community to interact, transact, and collaborate to support the acceleration of development, especially the development of the industrial sector in Indonesia.
Activities on the second day: the government listens to the final event aimed at reporting the results of the implementation of the IDF series. The focus of this event is that the government hears and accommodates ideas/ideas from representatives of participant and partner implementation of IDF.
#indonesiand developmentforum2022