
Saturday, 07 January 2023



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ULS Hearing. Nusantara Center of Economic and Social Studies related to requests for research/study cooperation

Friday, (01/06/2023) Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan accepted the arrival of the ULS. Nusan-Cess Unmul who wants to submit a request for research/study cooperation in the fields of economics, development and social in 2023 and subsequently. The hearing was attended by the fields of P2EPD, Economics and PPM. The agenda was held in the Renja meeting room, Bappeda Prov. Kaltim.


Nusantara Strategic Service Unit Center for Economic and Social Studies or abbreviated as ULS. Nusan-Cess Unmul is managed by experts from elements of lecturers/practitioners who focus on the discipline of economic development, natural resources and the environment, population, accounting management, sharia economics and social sciences that focus on research activities that support local, regional and national development by adapting to global issues such as sustainable development (sustainable development).


whatever a variety of ULS training services. NUSAN-CESS UNMUL offers a data analysis with STATA/R Studio; Spatial analysis with geoda and arcgis; Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification Training Excel Associate 365/2019; Mixed Method Research Training; EViews training; Program impact evaluation analysis training; Input-output, SNSE and CCE analysis training and other thematic training.


with the proposed training service, Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan feels these training is needed by the planning team such as data analysis and spatial analysis and certification that can apply lifetime. But due to the Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan was regulated in October 2022, it is necessary to coordinate and communicate further with superiors and fields related to training that is self-management or presenting ULS.

