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Bappeda Kaltim Performs Covid 19 Prevention

Samarinda, 7/16/2020. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through officers conduct regular body temperature checks in order to avoid the Corono 19 virus to everyone who enters the Bappeda Wajid office to measure body temperature and use markers and wash hands using soap or use hand sanitizers. If the officer gets a certain high body temperature, it is not permitted to enter the East Kalimantan Bappeda Office.

Actually what body temperature? This is certainly a question of many people, but once the normal body temperature in a person varies depending on there are several factors namely age, gender, and level of activity. Examination of body temperature can also be done in several parts of the body, namely armpits, mouth and anus.

Here is a list of normal human body temperatures based on his age, as quoted by Medical News Today:

1. Normal body temperature in adults

Normal adult body temperature from 97.6-99.6 ° F or 36.5 - 37.5 ° C. And here is an adult body temperature if the fever:

100.4 ° F (38 ° C) Fever category
103.1 ° F (39.5 ° C) High fever category
105.8 ° F (41 ° C) Very high fever category.

2. Normal body temperature in children

Normal body temperature for children aged 3 - 10 ranges from 95.9 - 99.5 ° F or 35.5 - 37.5 ° C. Children tend to have the same body temperature as adults.

3. Normal body temperature in infants

Sometimes, babies and young children have a higher body temperature range than adults when measurements are done through the armpits and ears. Normal body temperature for babies aged 0-2 years ranges from 36.6 - 37 ° C, if taken with a rectal thermometer. Body temperature may rise slightly when the baby is growing teeth. While the average body temperature of a newborn baby is 99.5 ° F or 37.5 ° C. Baby temperatures are higher than adults because they have a wider body surface area than their body weight. Their bodies are also metabolic actively active, resulting in heat.

they also don't sweat too much when warm, which means that their bodies maintain heat. Because of that, the baby is also more difficult to fall down in heat when he has a fever. Well, how can you know how normal your body temperature is? What you need to remember normal body temperature in adults and children varies based on age, gender, physical activity, and health. Body temperature measurement tools can also give different results depending on the type of measurement tool and which body parts are taken. If you have an extraordinarily high or low temperature, immediately seek treatment at the hospital or doctor in order to get healing help. (*partly a quote from electronic mass media/SKR).