
Wednesday, 25 January 2023



804 times seen

Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan as a resource person at the public consultation of the initial draft of the West Kutai Regency RKPD in 2024

Wednesday, (01/25/2023) event for the Public Consultation Draft Forum Kab. Kutai Barat in 2024 with the theme of increasing the added value and development of the local leading commodity market was attended by elements of Forkopimda Regency. Kutai Barat, Head of Bappedalitbang, West Kutai Regency, all SKPD Heads of the Kubar Regency Government, 16 sub -district heads in the district. Kutai Barat, Leaders of Vertical Agencies, Elements of Higher Education, Professional Organizations, Elements of BUMN/BUMD Leaders, Non -Governmental Organizations, and Community Leaders.


The event began with a report on the organizing committee by Mr. Yudianto Rihartono, ST., M.Si Head of Bapelitbang Kab. Kutai Barat continued with the direction and at the same time opening the event by the Regional Secretary of the District. Kutai Barat Bpk. Ayonius S.Pd MM. By paying attention to the direction to always carry out planning carefully for the economic progress of the community in West Kutai as our motivation, continue to try to participate in the same way as we reach the vision of development of West Kutai Regency in realizing West Kutai more fair, independent and prosperous based on the people's economy and improving the quality of human resources.


Head of PPM Division of East Kalimantan Province, Bpk. Mispoyo, S.Pd., M.Pd represents Plt. The Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda was a guest speaker in the public consultation activities for the preparation of the West Kutai Regency RKPD in 2024.


In his presentation, he conveyed a number of matters related to the theme policy and priority of development at the provincial level and the direction of the development of East Kalimantan in the future with the strategy of developing the downstream industry from plantation commodities, food crops, fisheries and mining. Some things are considered in the preparation of RKPD by taking into account the synchronization of performance, performance indicators, and targets of organizing affairs in the Ministry of Home Affairs of the preparation of RKPD (issued every year by the Ministry of Home Affairs).


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