
Wednesday, 25 January 2023



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Bappeda Prov. Kaltim as the resource person for the preparation of Ranwal RKPD Kab. Paser in 2024

Tuesday, (01/24/2023) in the field of infrastructure and regional Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended the virtual public consultation forum for the initial RKPD Paser Regency in 2024. The agenda was also attended by Bappelitbang Kab. Paser and the Head of the Regional Apparatus Scope of the Paser Regency Government; Director of Regional Owned Business Materials; Academics; Bank leaders in Tanah Grogot; Head of Professional Association; NGOs; Social organization; and representatives of community leaders. Paser Regency Regent also attended and opened at the Public Consultation event.


This Public Consultation Forum also presented several speakers including Wisnu Hidayat, SE, M.Sc (Planning and Evaluation Coordinator of Region III) Director General of Bangda; Prof. Dr. Ir. H. M. Aswin, MM (Professor of the Faculty of Economics Unmul) and Elly Luchrita Nova, S.T., M.T (Head of Infrastructure and Region) who represent Plt. Head of Bappeda Prov. Kaltim.


Furthermore, the Exposure Session of Mrs. Elly said that there are some important notes that need to be considered in the preparation of RKPD, namely paying attention to the synchronization of performance, performance indicators and targets for organizing affairs in the Ministry of Home Affairs Guidelines for the preparation of RKPD issued every year by the Ministry of Home Affairs. In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to the results of controlling and evaluation of the previous year's RKPD performance; Relationship and Performance Consistency (Cascading) Planning between the RPJMD and RKPD documents to the budgeting performance; The formulation of the performance target in a manner (not over/under-estimated); The projection of the Funding Framework is carried out in measurable as the input of the formulation of performance targets and the use of SIPD RI in the stage of preparing planning documents.


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