Bappenas Implementing Socialization of Indicators of Gender Inequality Index (IKG)
Yogyakarta, 21-22/6/2023. The event began with the delivery of welcome welcome to the participants by the Chairman of the Team Leader Petra Karatji as the executor of the Gender Inequality Index Index Socialization Activity and then continued the remarks by Dr. Muchammad Romzi Director of Analysis and Development of Statistics of the Central Statistics Agency at the same time explained with the title of the BPS role in development planning and then continued with remarks as well as opening the event by Qurrota A'yun, S.Si., MPH, Plt. Director of Family, Women, Children, Youth and Sports Kemenppn/Bappenas. IKG socialization participants came from the Provincial Bappeda and Provincial BPS in Indonesia who were present in a luring manner and the Regency/City BPS was present online. While representatives from Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province who attended Sukandar, S. Sos.
The socialization event was held for two days with the method of presentation by the resource persons, discussions and group work followed by all participants.
As for the results of the implementation of the socialization of the gender inequality index based on the presentation of the speakers and discussion participants produced several important points, among others:
1. With the end of the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2005-2025, the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas has compiled a preliminary study in 2022 and in 2023 will be followed by the preparation of the Teknocratic Draft and Academic Manuscript of the RPJPN 2025-2045, it has been agreed by 17 destinations (direction) of development. One of the goals/direction of Indonesia's 2045 development is a quality family and gender equality. As a goal, a performance indicator is needed that is able to measure the success and achievements of family development and gender equality;
2. In the 2020-2024 RPJMN document, gender equality development is measured through the Gender Development Index (IPG) which is a ratio of Women's HDI to Male HDI and Gender Empowerment Index (IDG). Both indicators are calculated by looking at the indicator references at the global level, namely the Gender Development Index/GDI and Gender Empowerment Measurement/GEM.
3. Since 2010, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has calculated the Human Development Index (HDI) or Human Development Index (HDI) with a new method that is still used. As for the Gender Empowerment Measurement (GEM) is no longer used because of some shortcomings and criticisms of these indicators which are then replaced with Gender Inequality Index (GII) or Gender Inequality Index (IKG).
4. BPS has conducted an IKG study since 2017 with the aim of obtaining optimal calculation methodology and as far as possible using the same indicator or approaching GII indicators;
5. The Gender Inequality Index (IKG) shows the potential achievement of human development that is lost due to gender gaps in the dimensions of reproductive health, empowerment and labor markets;
6. IKG forming variables include:
1). The proportion of marriage women or has been married aged 15-49 years who gave birth in health facilities in the case of birth 2 years;
2). The proportion of marriage or married women aged 15-49 years who gave birth to the first life at the age of less than 20 years;
3). Percentage of population aged 25 years and over who is the last diploma at least high school/equivalent according to sex;
4). Percentage of Parliamentary Members by Gender;
5). Labor Force Partispasi Level by Gender.
7. The Ministry of Home Affairs submits suggestions to the regions in order to support the policies of the central government in an effort to change the Indicators of the Gender Empowerment Index (IDG) to the Gender Inequality Index (IKG) to include Regional Planning Documents for the Long-Term Regional Development Plan (RPJPD) 2025-2045 with Indicators of Gender Development Index (IPG) but continues to coordinate with other technical ministries to adjust. (SKR).