Thursday, 01 December 2022
Bimtek Application Tapping East Kalimantan
Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan through the PPEPD sector held a Bimtek System for Development Planning Data Analysis (Sadap) on November 30, 2022 at the Propeda Meeting Room.
This Bimtek was led by the Head of PPEPD Mrs. Rina Juliaty accompanied by the functional of young expert planning Mr. Muhammad Hamsani and attended by the Regional Apparatus of East Kalimantan Province including the PUPERA Office, the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources, DPTPH, DPMPD, Health Office, and Education Office.
This bimtek aims to make technical operators in the regional apparatus understand the technical inputting of spatial-based data with the right location taging according to the activity plan.
#baped mutiled