Bimtek Integration of Gender Perspectives in Renja Documents
Samarinda, 11/08/2020 . Deputy for Gender Welfare of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Organizing Technical Guidance (Bimtek) Integrating Gender Perspectives into the Provincial Government Work Plan Document (Renja) which is carried out virtually through the Zoom Meeting application in the workplace of each regional apparatus.
Deputy for Gender Equality is Deputy at the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and child protection that handles issues related to women's empowerment in an effort to realize gender equality and have the task of carrying out policy formulation and coordination and synchronization of implementation.
The implementation of this bimtek considering the national strategy of accelerating the implementation of gender mainstreaming (PUG) which mandates all ministries of the institution, provincial government and Regencies/cities carry out gender responsive planning and budgeting (PPRG).
The activities carried out for two days were followed by the Head of the Sub. Bappeda Program Planning Section of East Kalimantan Province Ir. Akhmad Huzairin along with a virtual staff in the Secretariat of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Office.
In addition to the provincial bappeda participating in this activity was also followed by other regional devices namely the East Kalimantan Provincial KP3A Office, Inspectorate, BPKAD, Office Empowerment of Community and Village Government, Health Office, Department of Education and Culture, Disperindag and UKM, Social Service and National Unity and Politk Agency of East Kalimantan Province with the aim of increasing the capacity of planning HR in the 10 regional apparatus.
By integrating gender perspectives into government work plans, it is expected that the activities carried out will be more effective and on target to overcome the gap problem gender in development. When this news published this activity was still ongoing.
(Public Relations Bappeda Prov.Kaltim/FAT/Editor: Sukandar, S.Sos)