Bimtek Procedures for improving light disciplinary sentences against Civil Servants
Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda General Subdivision, Arbainsyah, SE and the staff attended the Technical Guidance (Bimtek) Procedures for the Implementing Light Disciplinary Penalties for Civil Servants (PNS) and Socialization of Personnel Disputes in PTUN (29/06/2022).
The meeting which was also attended by 70 participants from the Vertical Agencies and Regional Apparatus Organization Unit (OPD) unit in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government was opened directly by PLH. Chairman of the East Kalimantan Provincial Korpri Management Board, Dr. Mohammad Jauhar Efendi, M.Sc ..
Starting the event, he delivered direction to all Bimtek participants present.
"Bimtek Procedures for the Penalty of Light Discipline to Civil Servants and the Socialization of Personnel Disputes in PTUN This PTUN is important to provide understanding regarding the mechanism for the disciplinary sentence in accordance with applicable regulations", said Plh. Chairman of the East Kalimantan Provincial Korpri Board of Management.
further said that the purpose of the disciplinary sentence is in order to provide guidance and as a learning for other civil servants.
present 2 speakers in the Bimtek, including Mr. Sutarwo as the Analyst of the Youth Expert Staff from the East Kalimantan Province BKD and Mr. Andhy Martuaraja as the Samarinda PTUN Judge.
In his explanation, Mr. Sutarwo as the Analyst of the Experts of Young Experts from the East Kalimantan Province BKD said that the legal basis related to the discipline of civil servants is contained in Government Regulation (PP) Number 94 of 2021 concerning Discipline of PNS and BKN Regulation Number 6 of 20
further also conveyed technically related to the mechanism and procedure for imposing light disciplinary sentences for civil servants in accordance with the applicable provisions.
On the other hand, the second resource that was presented, Mr. Andhy Martuaraja as Samarinda PTUN judge also delivered a technical explanation in the event of a staffing dispute at PTUN.
#baped mutiled
#bimtekpp94 years 2021