
Thursday, 04 May 2023



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Publika TVRI East Kalimantan dialogue focus on the development of East Kalimantan 2024

Samarinda, (03/05/2023) Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Mr. Yusliando became a resource person in the Publika dialogue with the theme of the Focus on Development of East Kalimantan 2024 which was broadcast live by TVRI Kaltim.


Starting the Publika dialogue with the host Erwinsyah from TVRI East Kalimantan, Mr. Yusliando began its delivery by expressing his gratitude to all development stakeholders in East Kalimantan who had participated in the process of preparing regional development plan documents (RPD) and also the Regional Development Work Plan (RKPD) in 2024. ago.


In addition it was stated that the theme of East Kalimantan development in 2024 was an increase in the competitiveness of human resources and reliable regional infrastructure for accelerating inclusive and sustainable economic transformation. Where this has been synchronized with a development plan document at the national level and received input from the Ministry of Home Affairs and Bappenas related to the synchronization.


Furthermore, there is a focus on the development of East Kalimantan reflected through 8 development priorities, namely: Increasing the competitiveness of human resources that encourage employment; Increasing the degree of public health; Strengthening economic transformation efforts through vertical and horizontal diversification in the leading sector; Strengthening infrastructure to support economic development and basic services; Improving the quality of life of the poor; Improving the quality of the environment in a sustainable manner; Improvement of professional and accountable regional governance; and increased regional readiness as an IKN partner by optimizing cooperation.


In the Publika dialogue also attended 2 other speakers who gave input and responses from various perspectives, including Deputy Chairman of the East Kalimantan DPRD, Mr. M. Samsun and Economic Development Observer from Mulawarman University, Mr. Rian Hilmawan.




#Rencanakakanjapalartarakaltim 2024