
Thursday, 02 November 2023



900 kali dilihat

Dissemination and Publication of Provincial Industrial Information and Analysis Data Through SIINas (National Industrial Information System) and Technical Consultation on Draft Regency/City Industrial Development Plans

Today (02/11/2023), the Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the Economic and Natural Resources Sector attended the Dissemination and Publication of Provincial Industrial Information and Analysis Data through SIINas (Industrial Information System National) and Technical Consultation on the Draft Regency/City Industrial Development Plan held by the Department of Industry, Trade, Small and Medium Enterprise Cooperatives (Disperindagkop UKM) of East Kalimantan Province at the Platinum Hotel, Balikpapan.

The event was opened by Mrs. Heni Purwaningsih as Head of the East Kalimantan Province Disperindagkop UKM Service and attended by all Heads of Regional Apparatus or their representatives, Heads of Vertical Services or their representatives and Heads of Departments in charge Industrial Districts/Cities throughout East Kalimantan or their representatives. As a facilitator, the East Kalimantan Disperindagkop UKM invited three resource persons from the Directorate General of IKMA (Small and Medium Industries) of the Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry), Pusdatin (Data and Information Center) of the Ministry of Industry and also the P3DN Center (Increasing the Use of Domestic Production) of the Ministry of Industry.

This Technical Dissemination and Consultation was held as an effort to support national industrial development by providing data and information so that it can be accessed quickly and accurately by stakeholders. Meanwhile, in preparing the Regency/City Industrial Development Plan (RPIK), which is created as a guideline for regional governments, there needs to be technical consultation on the concept of goals, objectives and targets set to achieve development targets in developing industry for the next 20 years.

Therefore, planning, coaching, controlling, supervising and also making appropriate policies in accordance with the East Kalimantan 2019-2039 RPIP (Provincial Industrial Development Plan) must be supported by providing complete and accountable data and information.

“Through this activity, it is hoped that we can share information related to data in the industrial sector, including the obstacles/challenges experienced so that industrial data and information can be conveyed as information material that can be useful for local governments in carrying out guidance and policy making, especially in the industrial sector”. Closed Mrs. Heni Purwaningsih, Head of the East Kalimantan Province Disperindagkop UKM Service in her speech.


#Dissemination and Publication of DataInformation and AnalysisProvincialIndustryThroughSIINas2023