Thursday, 23 November 2023
Discussion of Strategic Issues and Ideas for Social Transformation in the East Kalimantan Province RPJPD 2025-2045
Mbak Suci Ashari Bappeda, [11/23/2023 11:09]
Balikpapan (11/22/2023), In the context of preparing the 2025-2045 RPJPD document, Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province held a Social Transformation Thematic Strategic Issue Network which highlighted the issue of Superior Human Resource Development for realizing equitable and inclusive development by 2045.
The Agenda for Networking Strategic Issues and Regional Development Ideas Thematic Social Transformation was carried out at the Jatra Hotel, Balikpapan.
Several experts as discussants or initiators who were involved in the strategic issue networking meeting included, in the Health Sector by Mr. Dr. Supriadi B, S.Kp, M.Kep and Mrs. dr. Hj. Padilah Mante Runa, M.Si, MARS, in the Education Sector by Mr. Prof. Dr. Susilo, M.Pd and Mr Drs. Syafruddin Pernyata, M.Hum, in the Field of Poverty and Social Protection by Mr. Dr. H. Bere Ali, M.Si, Employment Sector by Mr. Prof. Dr. Ir. Zulkarnain, MS, Population and Family Development by Mr. Dr. Sunarto, SKM., M.Adm, in the field of empowering people with disabilities in development by Mrs. Hj. Anni Juwairiyah, SE and the field of protecting children's rights in development by Sidney Rachel Junior.
The aim of this meeting was to gather strategic issues and ideas from experts and stakeholders to prepare an initial draft of the 2025-2045 East Kalimantan Province RPJPD within the scope of social transformation.
This strategic issue screening meeting was also held as a space to increase active participation from stakeholders or the community in the process of preparing regional development planning.
In the issue screening meeting, there were three substantive aspects of development that were highlighted, including the Equitable Quality Education aspect, the Health for All aspect and the Adaptive Social Protection aspect. These three substances will be used as material in the preparation of the RPJPD document for the formulation of social transformation policies in 2025-2045.
In this discussion forum several important points were agreed, namely that in developing productive human resources it is necessary to implement a geostrategy-based system and strive to increase the link between education and the world of business and work industry (IDUKA).
In the Health aspect, the forum agreed on the idea of transforming an integrated health service system to make things easier for the community and equal distribution of medical personnel and also early education about infectious diseases.
To strive for quality and highly competitive education, the forum produced ideas for creating educational standards with international benchmarks and accelerating the strengthening of global competencies for human resources for teaching staff in East Kalimantan.
Meanwhile, to eradicate poverty, priority treatment is needed in the Mahakam Ulu and West Kutai areas and the development of pentahelix collaboration.
In realizing the fulfillment of disability rights, the forum produces ideas for the government to implement strengthening regional regulations regarding the protection and fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities and increasing the role of disabilities at the regional level.
Apart from that, the forum also agreed on the idea of fulfilling children's rights starting from building child-friendly oriented facilities and infrastructure, increasing the development of creative and cultural spaces, protecting child workers, sex education, giving awards as appreciation for cultural achievements, innovation and creativity, fulfilling children's nutrition, as well as increasing children's involvement in the development process.
For your information, there are four stages of policy direction based on the Preliminary Draft (Ranwal) of the 2025-2045 East Kalimantan RPJPD. Stage 1 in the Thematic Social Transformation for 2025-2029 is the foundation stage where the policy direction focuses on increasing the fulfillment of basic education, health and social protection services as well as preparing workforce competencies.
Mbak Suci Ashari Bappeda, [11/23/2023 11:09]
Continuing to stage 2 in 2030-2034 is an acceleration stage where it is planned to accelerate human resource development quality and inclusiveness and strengthen the implementation of research and innovation results.
Entering stage 3 in 2035-2039 where expansion begins to be carried out in strengthening human resource competitiveness and sustainable welfare.
In the final stage, stage 4 in 2040-2045 is planned as a manifestation of superior and highly competitive human resources for a golden Indonesia in 2045.
This discussion forum is a collaboration between the government and the community in designing development plans. All views and input submitted will become the basis for producing a RPJPD document that is more inclusive and in line with the needs and aspirations of the community. This process reflects a shared commitment to achieving sustainable development and is expected to have a positive impact on all levels of society in the future.
Doc. (FAT)