
Friday, 27 May 2022



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RRI East Kalimantan Discussion Theme "Utilization of CSR in Building East Kalimantan in the IKN Era"

Monday, 05/23/2022. Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Mr. Prof. Dr. Ir. HM Aswin, MM came online as a guest speaker at the "Hallo East Kalimantan" discussion event organized by RRI East Kalimantan with the theme "Utilization of CSR in Building East Kalimantan in the IKN Era" organized by RRI East Kalimantan (Samarinda).


lately it has been widely discussed about the CSR Fund of East Kalimantan Coal Coal which flows to tertiary institutions on Java or outside East Kalimantan. According to information, the funds flow in the form of scholarships and totaling hundreds of billions.


Chairman of the Provincial DPRD Prov. East Kalimantan, Mr. H.Makmur said there was no prohibition to help anyone, this could be well communicated but we hope that this CSR fund is truly beneficial for the people of East Kalimantan. It has also taken steps such as communicating with PT. Mount Bayan for clarification and plans to form a special committee but will be decided together in the DPRD forum.


In line with that, Mr. Wahyudin as Chairman of the East Kalimantan CSR Forum said that his party could not force the company to provide funds, but the CSR Forum had a program to be funded by CSR such as rejuvenation of electricity installations, procurement of ambulances, the construction of a decent house and others. "We only have a program but cannot force to get funds, a lot of development that cannot be funded by the APBD but is backed up by CSR funds".


Meanwhile, according to the Governor of East Kalimantan, in general, CSR is already a road but not yet optimal, there are several companies that carry out programs with CSR funds are not announced / not reported including PT. Mount Bayan.


In line with that the delivery of Prof. Aswin that PT. Mount Bayan CSR is quite good, he has actually been to Tabang and saw the construction of the bridge and the road there. "CSR Gunung Bayan is good enough, many companies do not do it". It was also explained that in 2020, Mount Bayan did not report its CSR activities, in that year that reported activities and adjusted to the highest East Kalimantan development plan was the Berau Coal of 53M and Kideco of 43M.