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Technical discussion of ecological areas and riparian areas in the Capital City (IKN) area

<> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> < Strong style = "box-sizing: border-box;"> Samarinda, (12/21/2020). Kasubbid Cipta Karya Housing and Settlement Alfino Rinaldi Arief, ST, M.E and staff attended the technical discussion of ecological areas and riparian areas in the Capital City (IKN) area in virtual through the Zoom Meeting application.

Activity; This was attended by ± 85 participants consisting of elements of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the Research and Development Center for SDA Conservation Technology, the Mahakam Berau Watershed and Protection Forest Management Center), the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas (Deputy for Maritime Affairs and SDA , Deputy for Regional Development, Deputy for Facilities and Infrastructure), Ministry of ATR/BPN (Directorate General of Spatial Planning), Ministry of PUPR (BPIW, Directorate General of SDA, Directorate General of CK, PPI-IKN Task Force).

Activity; It aims to get input related to the definition and criteria of the Limitation of Riparian and Mangrove Areas, get input related to the deliniation of the Riparian and Mangrove Areas in the planning of the IKN KIPP tread, obtaining information and input of the function of the riparian/mangrove area for the continuity of the ecosystem and the ecological goals in the KIPP built area IKN.

delivered By Fino Development IKN needs to pay attention to conservation and protection of riparian areas which are transitional areas between waters and land areas, rich in plant diversity, which provides a source of feed for wildlife.

planning IKN both urban design and RDTR have accommodated the existence of riparian areas in the IKN area, especially in the IKN KIPP, in the future it is necessary to identify more detailed before the implementation of development. According to Fino in order to maintain animal habitat, IKN planning needs to maintain mangrove forests and river borders plus buffer ± 200 m.

going forward Identification of biodiversity will be carried out in more detailed biodiversity, at the micro scale planning stage or even Meso (RTBL, Desai Area) before the implementation of development so that efforts to protect animal habitat especially in the Riparian area can be carried out appropriately on the scale of the area or the environment.