
Thursday, 10 June 2021



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Support for Organizing and Attending Local Training 3 "Strengthening the Capacity of Regional Governments in Monitoring and Evaluating the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in the Regions - Zone IV"

Samarinda, June 9, 2021, 09.00 WITA . Bappeda Representative of East Kalimantan Province attended online (virtual meeting) Local training activities 3 with the theme "Strengthening the capacity of local governments in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of Sustainable Development Objectives (TPB/SDGs) in regions - Zone IV". Also present in this activity included Bappeda and the District/City Environment Agency in East Kalimantan. Resource persons in this activity SDGs National Secretary, Gantjang Amannullah, MA, Director of SDGs Center Padjajaran University, Zuzy Anna, and Director of Foreign Policy and International Development Cooperation Bappenas, Dr. Ir. Wisnu Utomo, M.Sc.

Some things that need to be a note of the delivery of material by the speakers who attended this meeting include:

  1. The implementation of TPB monitoring and evaluation and TPB reporting refers to and adjusted to Permen PPN 7/2018. While the Substance of Presidential Regulation No. 59 of 2017, there is the National Coordination Team (TKN), the principle of inclusiveness, TPB/SDGs documents, implementation of TPB/SDGs in the regions and monitoring evaluation and reporting.
  2. The purpose of monitoring is to measure the progress of the achievement of targets using the set indicators; Identifying and anticipating problems that arise and that will arise, so that action can be taken as early as possible.
  3. Localizing SDGs means a process of implementing a global agenda to regencies/cities and sub -districts/villages. Perlocalan is a political process based on the use of local opportunities, priorities and ideas.
  4. Not all provinces have RAD. The progress of achieving SDGs targets is quite slow and slower due to pandemic. Priority scale target/indicator step per year, per year, per five years to 2030, especially in the regions.
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation of SDGs as a planning feedback, not yet running as it should.
  6. There are several challenges in the implementation of SDGs, namely the lack of public awareness and understanding of the SDGs, understanding in the region of SDGs and how to achieve them, the technical understanding of SDGs indicators and data collection needs, understanding different processes between SDGs and RPJMD, the process of determining the target and reporting.
  7. Definition of Acceleration of TPB/SDGs Achievement Through multi-party partnerships and international development cooperation in the region is cooperation that focuses on developing countries and internationally is directed to achieve certain global development agendas (Ecosoc, 2015).
  8. Characteristics of Acceleration of TPB/SDGs Achievement Through multi-party partnerships and international development cooperation in the regions, namely designed to support development priorities at the national and international level. Not oriented to profit. Prioritizing developing countries. Based on cooperation relations that aim to increase ownership from developing countries.
  9. Monitoring is done every 6 (six) months or at any time if needed. The monitoring report is delivered 15 days after the current semester period. The first semester of January-June was reported on July 15. Evaluation is done once a year or at any time if needed. For the evaluation report submitted one month after the current year.
  10. (Humasbappeda/Ismi, Rizki) .