
Wednesday, 12 July 2023



719 times seen

Evaluation of Sakip Implementation in East Kalimantan Bappeda in 2022

Samarinda (11/07/2023). The Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda accompanied by the Secretary and Head of Subdivision of Program Planning Receive a Team Work Visit from the Regional Inspectorate of East Kalimantan Province in the Head of the Bappeda Head.


During the visit, the Regional Inspectorate Team led by Associate Auditor, Mrs. Hasbi established coordination of the evaluation and implementation of SAKIP in 2022 and a review of the implementation of government agencies performance accountability at the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda. This is carried out to establish synergy in creating a good and accountable government and has better productivity which is realized by the development and application of the appropriate, clear and measurable accountability system in the form of the preparation of the Government Agency Performance Report (LKJIP) which is part of the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP).


To be known, LKJIP is a form of accountability of the implementation of tasks and functions of the use of the budget with important points which include measurement of performance and evaluation and disclosure of performance measurements.


