
Wednesday, 23 November 2022



796 times seen

Facilitating the implementation of bureaucratic reform through the preparation of a change agent action plan

Balikpapan, 11/22/2022. Plt. Kasubbag General Bappeda Prov. Kaltim (Mr. Jerry Pahlevy Mahakam SE, M.Sc) together with the staff attending the "Facilitating Bureaucratic Reform Facilitation through the Preparation of the Acts of Agenda Change" organized by the Organization and Management Bureau of the Regional Secretariat Prov. Kaltim is located at the Gran Senyiur Hotel Balikpapan.


The event held in the technical guidance format for the preparation of a change agent action plan and was opened directly by the Regional Secretariat of the Prov. Kaltim (Mrs. Dr. Sri Wahyuni, MPP) is a follow-up to the Minister of PAN-RB Regulation No. 27 of 2014 concerning Guidelines for Development of Change Agents in Government Agencies and Deputy Letter of RB, Apparatus Accountability, and Supervision of the Ministry of PAN-RB Number B/96/RB06/2022 dated March 7, 2022.


The purpose of the implementation of this event is to improve the understanding of roles and optimize the competency of change agents in preparing action plans accompanied by real targets that are in accordance with the needs of each work unit so that innovations that have been created can be part of the strengthening of the organizational management system.


As information that the agenda of change in government agencies has the task of helping to encourage changes in the attitudes and behavior of officials and environmental employees of the agency in order to improve performance to accelerate the implementation of bureaucratic reform; Assist the development of work culture in the implementation of bureaucratic reform; Assist the formation of individual work ethics in organizations that contribute to the achievement of organizational/agency goals; as well as connecting employees within the agency, namely between the Head, Secretariat, Field, and Implementing Staff.


In the presentation session this event was delivered by representatives of the Ministry of Pan-RB (Mrs. Alesya Ripka and Mrs. Arina Alam Maya) who explained more about the agents of change and all other matters relating to it. Exposure material for the Ministry of Pan RB can be downloaded on the Data Center page/Collection of Bappeda's website exposure. Kaltim.

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#PermenpanrbnO27Tahun 2014
