
Thursday, 09 June 2022



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FGD 1 Discussion of Situ, Lake, Embung and Reservoir Rescue Actions in Kalimantan and Sulawesi

The field of infrastructure and region following the agenda of discussion of the rescue of Situ, Lake, Reservoir and Reservoir in the Kalimantan and Sulawesi regions. The agenda is carried out in order to carry out the mandate of Government Regulation No. 21 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Spatial Planning and Presidential Regulation No. 60 of 2021 concerning Rescue of National Priority Lakes.


Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was held hybrid at The 101 Jakarta Sedayu Dharmawangsa South Jakarta and Zoom Meeting. Attended by the Ministry of PUPR; Ministry of Home Affairs; Directorate General of PPTR; Sub Directorate of Spatial Utilization Control Region III; River Balai (Kalimantan III and Sulawesi III); Bappenas; Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment; Provincial Government. Kaltim, Central Sulawesi and South Sulawesi; and Regency/City PUPR in East Kalimantan; and Central Sulawesi City Government. Presenting two speakers namely the Director of RPDM (Rehabilitation of Land Water and Mangrove), the Directorate General of PDASRH KLHK; and Atrida Hadianti, S.T, M.Sc, PhD (Academics of Gadjah Mada University)


FGD is carried out aimed at capturing information related to strategic issues and problems in handling SDEW in the Mahakam Das and Poso Das; Claiming input on the proposed SDEW rescue action plan in the Mahakam Das and Poso Das and built a network in the context of coordinating spatial planning control in the Mahakam Das and Poso Das. There are several national priority lake rescue strategies, namely:

Strategy 1: Integration of Programs and Activities of National Priority Lake Rescue into Spatial Planning "

Strategy 2: Integration of Programs and Activities of Solution of National Priority Lakes into Policies, Planning and Budgeting;

strategy 3: socioeconomic development, institutional strengthening and increasing the role of stakeholders;

Strategy 4: Solution of Aquatic Ecosystems, Border Ecosystems and Ecosystems of Lake Catching Areas;

Strategy 5: Application of Research Results, Monitoring, Evaluation and Development of Databases and Information

#baped mutiled

#PPNO21Tahun 2021

#Perpresno60Tahun 2021

#rescue of Situda Maduk

#region of Kalimantanandansulawesi