Saturday, 19 February 2022
FGD with the theme "Alternative Development Financing Schemes and Moving the National Capital to East Kalimantan Province"
Head of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province, Prof. Dr. Ir. H.M. Aswin, MM was a resource person in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme "Alternative Development Financing Schemes and Moving the National Capital (IKN) to East Kalimantan Province" which was held virtually by the Research Center of the DPR RI Expertise Body, Friday (18/ 02/22).
As explained by the Minister of National Development Planning/Bappenas in the National Dialogue on 26 June 2019, the IKN Financing Scheme will prioritize the role of the private sector, BUMN, and Government Cooperation with Business Entities (KPBU), so that will not be dominated by the APBN. The government will invite cooperation with the private sector to utilize and optimize assets.
Prof. Aswin conveyed that the potential for buffer areas around IKN and several other areas in East Kalimantan is the basis for regional policy direction in the 2023 RKPD Kaltim Ranwal. The Provincial Government also directs regional policies regarding investment opportunities that will enter East Kalimantan based on the superior potential of the region and also directed at infrastructure development such as roads and others in the IKN buffer area.
As a follow-up to the FGD carried out, Mrs. Ariesy Tri Mauleny from the DPR Secretariat General Expertise Agency Research Center said that she would carry out a working visit to the IKN location to be with the team scheduled for Sunday ( 02/20) this.
Regarding the agenda for the working visit to the IKN location, the Head of the Data and Information Analysis Subdivision of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, Muhammad Hamsani, ST, M.Si, together with a team from the East Kalimantan Bappeda will accompany the visit. .
"We from the East Kalimantan Bappeda are ready to accompany the work visit to the IKN location and later we can also inspect the Sepaku Semoi Dam which is planned to be one of the raw water sources for the Central Government Core Area in IKN and the surrounding area," he said.
#capital of the archipelago
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