FGD Discussion of Strategic Issues and Policies of Each Region related to IKN and Opportunities for Cooperation between Regions Facing New IKN
Friday, 03/25/2022. The Balikpapan City Government together with the North Penajam Paser Regency Government and the Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province conducted a Focus Group Discussion regarding strategic issues and policies of each region related to IKN and opportunities for cooperation between regions in facing the New IKN.
Located in the Regional Police meeting room of the Bappeda office of East Kalimantan Province, this FGD was led by Prof. DR. Ir. H. M. Aswin, MM and attended by the Regional Secretariat of Balikpapan City, the mayor's experts, the acting head of the Balikpapan Bappelitbang, a team of ITB experts, as well as planning officials from the East Kalimantan Bappeda.
In order to face the development of the new National Capital Region in East Kalimantan Province, it is deemed important for all local governments in East Kalimantan to prepare themselves and anticipate impacts, both positive and negative from this development.
This activity aims to explain the predicted impact of IKN development on the surrounding area. The expected collaboration is that the East Kalimantan Provincial Government is expected to be able to facilitate IKN Partners to fulfill food self-sufficiency in East Kalimantan, protect protected areas in the north of Balikpapan City as well as waste management.
With good communication and coordination between local governments and all relevant stakeholders, it is hoped that this will enable all parties to maximize benefits and minimize potential losses or conflicts in the future.< /p>
#Pemkot Balikpapan
#capital of the archipelago
< a href="https://bappeda.kaltimprov.go.id/storage/posts-news/March2022/fgddisdkmmdtikndpkadmiknb-2.jpg" data-fslightbox="">< a href="https://bappeda.kaltimprov.go.id/storage/posts-news/March2022/fgddisdkmmdtikndpkadmiknb-3.jpg" data-fslightbox="">< /p>