FGD II Synchronization of Provincial Space Utilization Program. East Kalimantan
Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan, through the Infrastructure and Regional Sector, attended the Provincial Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Synchronization of the Space Utilization Program (SPPR). East Kalimantan which was organized by the Provincial PUPR-PERA Service. East Kalimantan at the Bumi Senyiur Hotel Samarinda, Wednesday (24/08/2022).
FGD Synchronization of Space Utilization Program which was opened by the Head of Spatial Utilization Section of the Provincial PUPR-PERA Service. East Kalimantan, Mrs. Yuliana Eka Sasmita, S.T. and presenting Expert Staff, Mr. Farid Faturrahman, S.T., M.Sc. The event was attended by ± 35 participants from elements of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) related to the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.
In his presentation, Mr. Farid Faturrahman, S.T., M.Sc. conveyed an explanation of the 2022 East Kalimantan Short-term Space Utilization Program Synchronization Results.
“This FGD II is a follow-up to FGD I which was held on June 8 2022 to convey the results of the Provincial Short Term SPPR. East Kalimantan in connection with the issuance of ATR-BPN Ministerial Regulation No. 13 of 2021 concerning the implementation of suitability of space utilization activities and SPPR," he explained.
It was further stated that the implementation of SPPR is carried out by aligning the main program indications with sectoral and regional programs in integrated development planning documents, so that there is synchronization of space utilization programs with the RPJMD and Strategic Plan between the Provincial Government. East Kalimantan with 10 Regencies/Cities.
From the results of the analysis of the matrix that has been carried out, it is known that there are 153 confirmed programs consisting of: Priority 1 Program (56 programs), Priority 2 Program (76 Programs), and Priority 3 (21 additional programs).
The results of the SPPR will be input for preparing development plans and carrying out reviews in the context of revising the Spatial Planning Plan (RTR).
Responding to the presentation given, Mr. Dwi Ery Mujahiddin from the Provincial Bappeda Infraswil Division. East Kalimantan said that with the results of the Provincial Space Utilization Program Synchronization (SPPR) analysis. In East Kalimantan, it is hoped that in the future the Spatial Planning between Regency/City and Province can be more synchronized, so that the budget allocated is more targeted.
#fgdsyncspace utilization program for East Kalimantan
#permenatrbpnno13 Tahun2021
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